@String{ACS = {ACM Comput. Surv.}} @String{ACTM = {Acta Math.}} @String{ACTNUM = {Acta Numerica}} @String{ADCM = {Adv. Comput. Math.}} @String{AES = {Adv. Eng. Softw.}} @String{ADM = {Adv. Math.}} @String{AMP = {Adv. Math. Phys.}} @String{ALAMT = {ALAMT}} @String{AJAC = {American J. Algo. Comput.}} @String{AJAJ = {Amer. Jewish Arch. J.}} @String{AJM = {Amer. J. Math.}} @String{AST = {Amer. Statist.}} @String{AMM = {Am. Math. Mon.}} @String{AFA = {Ann. Funct. Anal.}} @String{AHC = {Ann. Hist. Comput.}} @String{ANMS = {Ann. Math. Stat.}} @String{AMAST = {Ann. Math. Statist.}} @String{ASEN = {Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. Paris}} @String{ANZ = {ANZIAM J.}} @String{APMAT = {Appl. Math.}} @String{AMC = {Appl. Math. Comput.}} @String{AML = {Appl. Math. Lett.}} @String{ANM = {Appl. Numer. Math.}} @String{ASN = {Astronomische Nachrichten}} @String{AJ = {Astron. J.}} @String{BAMS = {Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.}} @String{BGEO = {Bull. G{\'{e}}od{\'{e}}sique}} @String{BIT = {BIT}} @String{BITNM = {BIT Numerical Mathematics}} @String{BMFRS = {Biogr. Mem. Fellows Royal Soc.}} @String{BPASM = {Bull. Pol. Acad. Sci. Math.}} @String{BSMF = {Bull. S.M.F.}} @String{CALC = {Calcolo}} @String{CMB = {Canad. Math. Bull.}} @String{CACM = {Comm. ACM}} @String{CANM = {Com. Appl. Num. Meth.}} @String{CNME = {Comm. Numer. Meth. Eng.}} @String{CMA = {Computers Math. Applic.}} @String{CMAP = {Comp. Math. Appl.}} @String{CMH = {Comment. Math. Helv.}} @String{CMJ = {Cambridge Math. J.}} @String{CMMP = {Comput. Math. Math. Phys.}} @String{CMAME = {Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.}} @String{COAM = {Comput. Appl. Math.}} @String{COMP = {Computing}} @String{COMPJ = {Comput. J.}} @String{CPAM = {Comm. Pure Appl. Math.}} @String{CPC = {Comput. Phys. Comm.}} @string{CPR = {Computer Physics Reports}} @String{CSE = {Comput. Sci. Eng.}} @String{CCPE = {Concurr. Comp.-Pract. E.}} @String{CPE = {Concurrency-Pract. Exp.}} @String{COC = {Contemp. Math.}} @String{CRAS = {C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris}} @String{CRELLE = {Journal f{\"u}r die reine und angewandte Mathematik, (Crelle Journal)}} @String{CZMJ = {Czechoslovak Math. J.}} @String{DAN = {Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR}} @String{DUK = {Duke Math. J.}} @String{EAJAM = {E. Asian J. Appl. Math.}} @string{EWJNM = {East-West J. Numer. Math.}} @String{EJLA = {The Electron. J. Linear Algebra}} @String{ETNA = {Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal.}} @String{FGCS = {Future Gener. Comp. Syst.}} @String{GAMM = {GAMM Mitteilungen}} @String{HM = {Historia Math.}} @String{IEAHC = {IEEE Ann. Hist. Comput.}} @String{ISPL = {IEEE Signal Process. Lett.}} @String{ITAC = {IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr.}} @String{ITAP = {IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation}} @String{ITCO = {IEEE Trans. Comput.}} @string{ITPDS = {IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst.}} @String{ITPA = {IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell.}} @String{ITSP = {IEEE Trans. Signal Process.}} @String{IEOT = {Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory}} @String{IJAM = {Int. J. Appl. Math.}} @String{IJAMCS = {Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci.}} @String{IJCM = {Int. J. Comput. Math.}} @String{IJHSC = {Intl. J. High Speed Computing}} @String{IJMCP = {Int. J. Math. Comput. Phys. Elec. Comput. Engrg.}} @String{IJNAM = {Int. J. Numer. Anal. Mod.}} @String{IJNME = {Internat. J. Numer. Methods Engrg.}} @string{IJPP = {Int. J. Parallel Program.}} @String{IJSA = {Intl. J. Supercomp. Appl.}} @string{IJHP = {Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl.}} @String{ISAH = {Intl. J. Supercomp. Appl. High Perf. Comput.}} @String{IMAJ = {IMA J. Appl. Math.}} @String{IMAJNA = {IMA J. Numer. Anal.}} @String{IMSB = {Irish Math. Soc. Bulletin}} @string{IPL = {Inv. Probl.}} @String{JACM = {J. ACM}} @String{JASA = {J. Amer. Statist. Assoc.}} @String{JAM = {J. Appl. Math.}} @String{JAMC = {J. Appl. Math. Comput.}} @String{JAMP = {J. Appl. Math. Phys.}} @String{JAT = {J. Approx. Theory}} @String{JCAM = {J. Comput. Appl. Math.}} @String{JCM = {J. Comput. Math.}} @String{JCO = {J. Complexity}} @String{JCP = {J. Comp. Phys.}} @String{JECE = {J. Elec. Comput. Engrg.}} @String{JFA = {J. Funct. Anal.}} @String{JGO = {J. Global Optim.}} @String{JICS = {J. Inf. Comput. Sci.}} @String{JIP = {J. Inf. Process.}} @String{JIMA = {J. Inst. Maths Applics}} @String{JJIAM = {Japan J. Indust. Appl. Math.}} @String{JLMS = {J. Lond. Math. Soc.}} @String{JMAA = {J. Math. Anal. Appl.}} @String{JMPA = {J. Math. Pures Appl.}} @String{JORSC = {J. Oper. Res. Soc. China}} @String{JOTA = {J. Optim. Theory Appl.}} @String{JPDC = {J. Parallel Dist. Comput.}} @String{JNBS = {J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand.}} @String{JNIST = {J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol.}} @String{JSC = {J. Sci. Comput.}} @String{JSYC = {J. Symb. Comput.}} @String{JSIAML = {JSIAM Letters}} @String{JSM = {J. Sov. Math.}} @String{LMI = {Lett. Mat. Int.}} @String{LAA = {Linear Algebra Appl.}} @String{LMA = {Linear Multilinear Algebra}} @String{MATA = {Math. Ann.}} @String{MATCOMP = {Math. Comput.}} @String{MCA = {Math. Comput. Appl.}} @string{MCSI = {Math. Comput. Simul.}} @String{MCSS = {Math. Control Signals Systems}} @String{MG = {Math. Gazette}} @String{MAM = {Math. Mag.}} @String{MAPR = {Math. Program.}} @String{MSB = {Mat. Sb.}} @String{MASC = {Math. Scand.}} @String{MT = {Math. Today}} @String{MATZ = {Math. Zeitschrift}} @String{MJM = {Mediterr. J. Math.}} @String{MM = {Messenger Math.}} @String{MONA = {Monatsh Math. Phys.}} @String{MTAC = {M.T.A.C.}} @String{NRRSL = {Notes and Records Roy. Soc. London}} @String{NAMS = {Notices Amer. Math. Soc.}} @String{NUMALGO = {Numer. Algorithms}} @String{NLAA = {Numer. Linear Algebra Appl.}} @String{NUMAT = {Numer. Math.}} @String{NMTM = {Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl.}} @String{OPM = {Oper. Matrices}} @String{OMS = {Optim. Methods Softw.}} @String{PJM = {Pacific J. Math.}} @String{PARCOMP = {Parallel Comput.}} @String{PM = {Philos. Mag.}} @String{PTRSL = {Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond.}} @String{PHR = {Physics Reports}} @String{PAMM = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech.}} @String{PAMS = {Proc. Am. Math. Soc.}} @String{PCS = {Procedia Comput. Sci.}} @String{PEMS = {Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.}} @String{PIEEE = {Proc. IEEE}} @String{PLMS = {Proc. Lond. Math. Soc.}} @String{PNAS = {Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA}} @String{PRIA = {Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy}} @String{PRSE = {Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh}} @String{PRSL = {Proc. R. Soc. Lond.}} @String{PSY = {Psychometrika}} @String{QAM = {Quart. Appl. Math.}} @String{QJMO = {Quart. J. Math. Oxford}} @String{QJMAM = {Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math.}} @String{RCOMP = {Reliab. Comput.}} @String{RHM = {Rev. Hist. Math.}} @String{RHS = {Rev. Hist. Sci.}} @String{RMJM = {Rocky Mountain J. Math.}} @String{RMS = {Russian Math. Surveys}} @String{SCCH = {Sci. China Ser. A}} @String{SCIPROG = {Sci. Programming}} @String{SEMA = {SeMA J.}} @String{SIADM = {SIAM J. Alg. Disc. Meth.}} @String{SIAMJ = {J. Soc. Ind. Appl. Math.}} @String{SIAP = {SIAM J. Appl. Math.}} @String{SIC = {SIAM J. Comput.}} @String{SMAN = {SIAM J. Math. Anal.}} @String{SIMAX = {SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.}} @String{SINUM = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.}} @String{SIREV = {SIAM Rev.}} @string{SIOP = {SIAM J. Optim.}} @String{SISC = {SIAM J. Sci. Comput.}} @String{SISSC = {SIAM J. Sci. Statist. Comput.}} @String{SPEJ = {Soc. Pet. Eng. J.}} @String{SPE = {Software- Practice and Experience}} @string{SJNA = {Sov. J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling}} @String{SMD = {Soviet Math. Dokl.}} @String{SMI = {Surv. Math. Ind.}} @String{SYSCONT = {Syst. Control Lett.}} @String{TEC = {Technometrics}} @String{TEMA = {TEMA}} @String{TAMS = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}} @String{TIP = {Trans. Inform. Process. Soc. Japan}} @String{TJSCES = {Transactions of JSCES}} @String{TOMS = {ACM Trans. Math. Soft. (TOMS)}} @String{TOPC = {ACM Trans. Parallel Comput. (TOPC)}} @String{UCMMP = {USSR Comput. Math. Math. Phys.}} @String{ZAMM = {Zamm.-Z Angew. Math. 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Brezinski", title = "A unified approach to various orthogonalities", journal = "Annales de la Facult{\'e} des Sciences de Toulouse: Math{\'e}matiques", volume = "1", number = "3", year = "1992", pages = "277-292" } @techreport{br1995, author = {C. Brezinski}, title = {Hybrid procedures and semi-iterative methods for linear systems}, year = {1995}, number = {?}, institution = {Universit{\'e} de Lille}, } @article{br1996, author = "C. Brezinski", title = "The methods of {Vorobyev} and {Lanczos}", journal = LAA, volume = "234", year = "1996", pages = "21-41" } @article{br1996b, author = "C. Brezinski", title = "Extrapolation algorithms and {Pad{\'e}} approximations: a historical survey", journal = ANM, volume = "20", number = "3", year = "1996", pages = "299-318" } @article{br1997, author = "C. Brezinski", title = "A transpose-free {Lanczos}/{Orthodir} algorithm for linear systems", journal = CRAS, volume = "324", year = "1997", pages = "349-354" } @book{br1997b, author = "C. Brezinski", title = "Projection Methods for Systems of Equations", publisher = "North-Holland", address = "Amsterdam", year = "1997" } @incollection{br1998, author = "C. Brezinski", title = "Hybrid methods for solving systems of equations", booktitle = "NATO ASI Series C Mathematical and Physical Sciences - Advanced Study Institute", publisher = "NATO", volume = "508", year = "1998", pages = "271-290" } @article{br1999, author = "C. Brezinski", title = "Error estimates for the solution of linear systems", journal = SISC, volume = "21", number = "2", year = "1999", pages = "764-781" } @article{br1999b, author = "C. Brezinski", title = "{Krylov} subspace methods, biorthogonal polynomials and {Pad{\'e}}-type approximants", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "21", year = "1999", pages = "97-107" } @article{br1999c, author = "C. Brezinski", title = "Multiparameter descent methods", journal = LAA, volume = "296", number = "1-3", year = "1999", pages = "113-141" } @article{br2000, author = "C. Brezinski", title = "The block {Lanczos} and {Vorobyev} methods", journal = CRAS, volume = "331", year = "2000", pages = "137-142" } @inproceedings{br2002, author = "C. Brezinski", title = "Formal orthogonal polynomials", booktitle = "Computational Aspects of Linear Control", publisher = "Springer", address = "Boston, MA", year = "2002", pages = "73-85" } @techreport{br2002b, author = "C. Brezinski", title = "An introduction to formal orthogonality and some of its applications", institution = "Universit{\'e} de Lille, France", number = "ANO438", year = "2002" } @article{br2003, author = "C. Brezinski", title = "A tribute", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "33", number = "1", year = "2003", pages = "3-9" } @article{br2005, author = "C. Brezinski", title = "La m{\'{e}}thode de {Cholesky}", journal = RHM, volume = "11", year = "2005", pages = "205-238" } @article{br2006, author = "C. Brezinski", title = "The life and work of {Andr\'{e} Cholesky}", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "43", year = "2006", pages = "279-288" } @book{br2006b, author = "C. Brezinski", title = "Histoires de Sciences. Inventions, D{\'e}couvertes et Savants", publisher = "L'Harmattan", address = "Paris", year = "2006" } @article{br2010, author = "C. Brezinski", title = "From numerical quadrature to {Pad{\'e}} approximation", journal = ANM, volume = "60", number = "12", year = "2010", pages = "1209-1220" } @book{br2010b, author = "C. Brezinski", title = "Les Images de la Terre. Cosmographie, G{\'e}od{\'e}sie, Topographie et Cartographie {\`a} Travers les Si{\`e}cles", publisher = "L'Harmattan", address = "Paris", year = "2010" } @article{br2019, author = "C. Brezinski", title = "Reminiscences of {Peter Wynn}", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "80", number = "1", year = "2019", pages = "5-10" } @article{brci2022, author = "C. Brezinski and P. G. Ciarlet", title = "{Richard Steven Varga}, 1928-2022", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "90", year = "2022", pages = "1-2" } @article{bcrs2021, author = "C. Brezinski and S. Cipolla and M. Redivo-Zaglia and Y. Saad", title = "Shanks and {A}nderson-type acceleration techniques for systems of nonlinear equations", journal = IMAJNA, volume = "drab061", year = "2021" } @article{bfm2012, author = "C. Brezinski and P. Fika and M. Mitrouli", title = "Estimations of the trace of powers of positive self-adjoint operators by extrapolation of the moments", journal = ETNA, volume = "39", year = "2012", pages = "144-155" } @article{bfm2012b, author = "C. Brezinski and P. Fika and M. Mitrouli", title = "Moments of a linear operator, with applications to the trace of the inverse of matrices and the solution of equations", journal = NLAA, volume = "19", number = "6", year = "2012", pages = "937-953" } @article{bgc2005, author = {C. Brezinski and M. {Gross-Cholesky}}, journal = {Bull. Soc. Amis. Bib. \'Ec. Polytech.}, title = {La vie et les travaux d'{Andr\'e-Louis Cholesky}}, year = {2005}, pages = {7-32}, volume = {39}, } @book{bmrz2022, author = "C. Brezinski and G. Meurant and M. {Redivo-Zaglia}", title = "A Journey Through the History of Numerical Linear Algebra", publisher = "SIAM", year = "2022" } @article{bnrz2021, author = "C. Brezinski and F. A. Norman and M. Redivo-Zaglia", title = "The Legacy of {Peter Wynn}", journal = "Mathematics", volume = "9", number = "11", year = "2021", pages = "1240-1285" } @article{bnorz2012, author = "C. Brezinski and P. Novati and M. Redivo-Zaglia", title = "A rational {Arnoldi} approach for ill-conditioned linear systems", journal = JCAM, volume = "236", number = "8", year = "2012", pages = "2063-2077" } @article{brra2007, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Raydan", title = "Cauchy-{Schwarz} and {Kantorovich} type inequalities for scalar and matrix moment sequences", journal = ADCM, volume = "26", number = "1", year = "2007", pages = "71-80" } @inproceedings{brz1994c, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia", title = "Breakdowns in the computation of orthogonal polynomials", booktitle = "Nonlinear Numerical Methods and Rational Approximation, {II}", editor = "A. Cuyt", publisher = "Kluwer", address = "Dordrecht", year = "1994", pages = "49-59" } @article{brz1994a, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia", title = "Hybrid procedures for solving linear systems", journal = NUMAT, volume = "67", year = "1994", pages = "1-19" } @article{brz1994b, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia", title = "Treatment of near-breakdown in the {CGS} algorithm", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "7", year = "1994", pages = "33-73" } @article{brz1995, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia", title = "Look-ahead in {BiCGstab} and other methods for linear systems", journal = BIT, volume = "35", year = "1995", pages = "169-201" } @article{brz1998, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia", title = "Transpose-free {Lanczos}-type algorithms for nonsymmetric linear systems", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "17", year = "1998", pages = "67-103" } @techreport{brz1999, author = {C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia}, title = {On the choice of the auxiliary vectors in {Lanczos}' method for linear systems}, year = {1999}, address = {France}, number = {ANO-402}, institution = {Universit{\'e} de Lille}, } @Article{brz2000, author = {C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia}, journal = CALC, title = {Variations on {Lanczos}' tridiagonalization process}, year = {2000}, pages = {159-179}, volume = {37}, } @article{brz2003, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia", title = "A {Schur} complement approach to a general extrapolation algorithm", journal = LAA, volume = "368", year = "2003", pages = "279-301" } @article{brz2006, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia", title = "The {PageRank} vector: properties, computation, approximation, and acceleration", journal = SIMAX, volume = "28", number = "2", year= "2006", pages = "551-575" } @article{brz2013, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia", title = "Pad{\'e}-type rational and barycentric interpolation", journal = NUMAT, volume = "125", number = "1", year = "2013", pages = "89-113" } @article{brz2015, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia", title = "Convergence acceleration of {Kaczmarz}'s method", journal = "J. Eng. Math.", volume = "93", year = "2015", pages = "3-19" } @article{brz2015b, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia", title = "New representations of {Pad{\'e}}, {Pad{\'e}}-type, and partial {Pad{\'e}} approximants", journal = JCAM, volume = "284", year = "2015", pages = "69-77" } @article{brz2019, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia", title = "The genesis and early developments of {A}itken's process, {Shanks} transformation, the $\varepsilon$-algorithm, and related fixed point methods", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "80", year = "2019", pages = "11-133" } @book{brz2020, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia", title = "Extrapolation and rational approximation. {T}he works of the main contributors", publisher = "Springer Nature", address = "Switzerland", year = "2020" } @article{brz2020b, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia", title = "Some unusual results on extrapolation methods", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "84", number = "4", year = "2020", pages = "1241-1264" } @article{brz2023, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia", title = "On the kernel of vector $\varepsilon$-algorithm and related topics", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "92", number = "1", year = "2023", pages = "207-221" } @article{brz2023b, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia", title = "Reuben {Louis Rosenberg} (1909-1986) and the {Stein-Rosenberg} theorem", journal = ETNA, volume = "58", year = "2023", pages = "A1-A38" } @article{brrs1998, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia and G. Rodriguez and S. Seatzu", title = "Extrapolation techniques for ill-conditioned linear systems", journal = NUMAT, volume = "81", number = "1", year = "1998", pages = "1-29" } @article{brrs2003, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia and G. Rodriguez and S. Seatzu", title = "Multi-parameter regularization techniques for ill-conditioned linear systems", journal = NUMAT, volume = "94", number = "2", year = "2003", pages = "203-228" } @article{brsa2018, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia and Y. Saad", title = "Shanks sequence transformations and {A}nderson acceleration", journal = SIREV, volume = "60", number = "3", year = "2018", pages = "646-669" } @article{brs1991, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia and H. Sadok", title = "Avoiding breakdown and near-breakdown in {Lanczos} type algorithms", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "1", year = "1991", pages = "261-284" } @article{brs1992, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia and H. Sadok", title = "A breakdown-free {Lanczos} type algorithm for solving linear systems", journal = NUMAT, volume = "63", year = "1992", pages = "29-38" } @article{brs1991b, author = {C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia and H. Sadok}, journal = NUMALGO, title = {Addendum to ``{A}voiding breakdown and near-breakdown in {Lanczos} type algorithms''}, year = {1992}, pages = {133-136}, volume = {2}, } @article{brs1997, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia and H. Sadok", title = "Breakdowns in the implementation of the {Lanczos} method for solving linear systems", journal = CMA, volume = "33", number = "1", year = "1997", pages = "31-44" } @misc{brs1998, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia and H. Sadok", title = "Problems of breakdown and near-breakdown in {Lanczos}-based algorithms", howpublished = "NATO ASI Series C Mathematical and Physical Sciences-Advanced Study Institute 508", year = "1998", pages = "255-270" } @article{brs1999, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia and H. Sadok", title = "New look-ahead {Lanczos}-type algorithms for linear systems", journal = NUMAT, volume = "83", number = "1", year = "1999", pages = "53-85" } @article{brs2000, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia and H. Sadok", title = "The matrix and polynomial approaches to {Lanczos}-type algorithms", journal = JCAM, volume = "123", number = "1-2", year = "2000", pages = "241-260" } @article{brs2002, author = "C. Brezinski and M. Redivo-Zaglia and H. Sadok", title = "A review of formal orthogonality in {Lanczos}-based methods", journal = JCAM, volume = "140", number = "1", year = "2002", pages = "81-98" } @article{brse2008, author = "C. Brezinski and G. Rodriguez and S. Seatzu", title = "Error estimates for linear systems with applications to regularization", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "49", number = "1-4", year = "2008", pages = "85-104" } @article{brse2009, author = "C. Brezinski and G. Rodriguez and S. Seatzu", title = "Error estimates for the regularization of least squares problems", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "51", number = "1", year = "2009", pages = "61-76" } @article{bs1991, author = "C. Brezinski and H. Sadok", title = "Avoiding breakdown in the {CGS} algorithm", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "1", year = "1991", pages = "199-206" } @article{bs1993, author = "C. Brezinski and H. Sadok", title = "Lanczos-type algorithms for solving systems of linear equations", journal = ANM, volume = "11", year = "1993", pages = "443-473" } @article{bsrz1994, author = "C. Brezinski and H. Sadok and M. Redivo-Zaglia", title = "Orthogonal polynomials and the {Lanczos} method", journal = "Banach Center Publications", volume = "29", number = "1", year = "1994", pages = "19-33" } @book{brt2014, author = "C. Brezinski and D. Tourn{\`e}s", title = "Andr{\'{e}}{-}{L}ouis {Cholesky} (1875-1918), {M}athematician, {T}opographer and {A}rmy {O}fficer", publisher = "Birkh{\"a}user", address = "Basel", year = "2014" } @book{bt2014, author = "C. Brezinski and D. Tourn{\`e}s", title = "{Andr{\'e}-Louis Cholesky}, mathematician, topographer and army officer", publisher = "Birkh{\"a}user", year = "2014" } @inproceedings{bw2001, author = "C. Brezinski and L. Wuytack", title = "Numerical analysis in the twentieth century", booktitle = "Numerical analysis: {H}istorical Developments in the 20th Century", editor = "C. Brezinski and L. Wuytack", publisher = "North-Holland", address = "Amsterdam", year = "2001", pages = "1-40" } @article{blss2007, author = "F. Brezzi and K. Lipnikov and M. Shashkov and V. Simoncini", title = "A new discretization methodology for diffusion problems on generalized polyhedral meshes", journal = CMAME, volume = "196", number = "37-40", year = "2007", pages = "3682-3692" } @article{bsv2012, author = "M. Briani and A. Sommariva and M. Vianello", title = "Computing {Fekete} and {Lebesgue} points: simplex, square, disk", journal = JCAM, volume = "236", number = "9", year = "2012", pages = "2477-2486" } @article{bck1961, author = "L. Brickman", title = "On the field of values of a matrix", journal = PAMS, volume = "12", number = "1", year = "1961", pages ="61-66" } @article{brha2000, author = "D. Bridges and R. 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Luszczek", title = "On algorithmic variants of parallel {Gaussian} elimination: {C}omparison of implementations in terms of performance and numerical properties", institution = "INRIA", number = "hal-00867837", year = "2013", note = "Also LAWN 280" } @article{ddfgk2015, author = "S. Donfack and J. J. Dongarra and M. Faverge and M. Gates and J. Kurzak and P. Luszczek and I. Yamazaki", title = "A survey of recent developments in parallel implementations of {Gauss}ian elimination", journal = CPE, volume = "27", number = "5", year = "2015", pages = "1292-1309" } @article{doli1994, author = "S. Dong and K. Liu", title = "Stochastic estimation with $z_2$ noise", journal = "Phys. Lett. B", volume = "328", year = "1994", pages = "130-136" } @techreport{don1980, author = "J. J. Dongarra", title = "{LINPACK} working note 3, {Fortran} {BLAS} timing", institution = "Argonne National Laboratory", number = "ANL-80-24. CM-P00068636", year = "1980" } @misc{don2022, author = "J. J. Dongarra", title = "A not so simple matter of software; {T}he evolution of mathematical software: {S}oftware and algorithms follow the hardware", howpublished = "ACM, to be published", year = "2022" } @techreport{don2023, author = "J. J. Dongarra and al.", title = "Can the {United States} maintain its leadership in high-performance computing?", institution = "Department of Energy, Office of Science", year ="2023" } @techreport{dbms1977, author = "J. J. Dongarra and J. R. Bunch and C. B. Moler and G. W. Stewart", title = "Preliminary {Linpack} user{'}s guide", institution = "Argonne National Laboratory", number = "ANL-AMD-TM-313", note = "Linpack working note \# 9", year = "1977" } @book{dbms1979, author = "J. J. Dongarra and J. R. Bunch and C. B. Moler and G. W. Stewart", title = "Linpack User{'}s Guide", publisher = "SIAM", address = "Philadelphia", year = "1979" } @article{ddhd1990, author = "J. J. Dongarra and J. {Du Croz} and S. Hammarling and I. S. Duff", title = "Algorithm 679: {A} set of level 3 basic linear algebra subprograms: model implementation and test programs", journal = TOMS, volume = "16", number ="1", year = "1990", pages = "18-28" } @article{ddhh1988b, author = "J. J. Dongarra and J. {Du Croz} and S. Hammarling and R. J. Hanson", title = "Algorithm 656: An extended set of {FORTRAN} basic linear algebra subprograms", journal = TOMS, volume = "14", number ="1", year = "1988", pages = "18-32" } @article{ddhh1988, author = "J. J. Dongarra and J. {Du Croz} and S. Hammarling and R. J. Hanson", title = "An extended set of {FORTRAN} basic linear algebra subprograms", journal = TOMS, volume = "14", number ="1", year = "1988", pages = "1-17" } @article{dod1991, author = "J. J. Dongarra and J. W. Demmel", title = "{LAPACK}: a portable high-performance numerical library for linear algebra", journal = "Supercomputer", volume = "46", year = "1991", pages = "33-38" } @book{ddgm1989, author = "J. J. Dongarra and I. S. Duff and P. Gaffney and S. McKee Eds.", title = "Vector and Parallel Computing, Issues in Applied Research and Development", publisher = "Ellis Horwood", year = "1989" } @techreport{ddgh2018, author = "J. J. Dongarra and I. S. Duff and M. Gates and A. Haidar and S. Hammarling and N. J. Higham and J. Hogg and P. Valero Lara and P. Luszczek and M. Zounon and S. D. Relton and S. Tomov and T. Costa and S. Knepper", title = "Batched {BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms)} 2018 specification", institution = "Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee", number = "ICL-UTK-1170-2018", year = "2018" } @book{ddsvdv1991, author = "J. J. Dongarra and I. S. Duff and D. C. Sorensen and H. A. {van der Vorst}", title = "Solving Linear Systems on Vector and Shared Memory Computers", publisher = "SIAM", year = "1991" } @book{ddsv1998, author = "J. J. Dongarra and I. S. Duff and D. C. Sorensen and H. A. van der Vorst", title = "Numerical linear algebra for high-performance computers", publisher = "SIAM", year = "1998" } @techreport{doei2003, author = "J. J. Dongarra and V. Eijkhout", title = "Finite-choice algorithm optimization in conjugate gradients", institution = "University of Tennessee, Knoxville", number = "UT-CS-03-502", year = "2003" } @article{deli2001, author = "J. J. Dongarra and V. Eijkhout and P. Łuszczek", title = "Recursive approach in sparse matrix {LU} factorization", journal = "Sci. Program.", volume = "9", number = "1", year = "2001", pages = "51-60" } @article{doe1984, author = "J. J. Dongarra and S. C. Eisenstat", title = "Squeezing the most out of an algorithm in {CRAY FORTRAN}", journal = TOMS, volume = "10", number = "3", year = "1984", pages = "219-230" } @inproceedings{dfll2012, author = "J. J. Dongarra and M. Faverge and H. Ltaief and P. Luszczek", title = "Exploiting fine-grain parallelism in recursive {LU} factorization", booktitle = "Applications, Tools and Techniques on the Road to Exascale Computing", publisher = "IOS Press", year = "2012", pages = "429-436" } @article{dfll2014, author = "J. J. Dongarra and M. Faverge and H. Ltaief and P. Luszczek", title = "Achieving numerical accuracy and high performance using recursive tile {LU} factorization with partial pivoting", journal = CCPE, volume = "16", number = "7", year = "2014", pages = "1408-1431" } @article{dghkl2019, author = "J. J. Dongarra and M. Gates and A. Haidar and J.Kurzak and P. Luszczek and al.", title = "{PLASMA}: {P}arallel linear algebra software for multicore using {OpenMP}", journal = TOMS, volume = "45", number = "2", year = "2019", pages = "16:1-16:35" } @techreport{doge2022, author = "J. J. Dongarra and A. Geist", title = "Report on the {Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Frontier} system", institution = "University of Tennessee", number = "ICL-UT-22-05", year = "2022" } @article{dggmm2008, author = "J. J. Dongarra and G. H. Golub and E. Grosse and C. B. Moler and K. Moore", title = "Netlib and {NA-Net}: {B}uilding a scientific computing community", journal = IEAHC, volume = "30", number = "2", year = "2008", pages = "30-41" } @article{dg1985, author = "J. J. Dongarra and E. Grosse", title = "Distribution of mathematical software via electronic mail", journal = "ACM SIGNUM Newsletter", volume = "20", number = "3", year = "1985", pages = "45-47" } @article{dg1987, author = "J. J. Dongarra and E. Grosse", title = "Distribution of mathematical software via electronic mail", journal = CACM, volume = "30", number = "5", year = "1987", pages = "403-407" } @article{dgk1984, author = "J. J. Dongarra and F. G. Gustavson and A. Karp", title = "Implementing linear algebra algorithms for dense matrices on a vector pipeline machine", journal = SIREV, volume = "26", number = "1", year = "1984", pages = "91-112" } @inproceedings{dhp1997, author = "J. J. Dongarra and S. Hammarling and A. Petitet", title = "Case studies on the development of {ScaLAPACK} and the {NAG} numerical {PVM} library", booktitle = "Quality of Numerical Software", editor = "R. F. Boisvert", publisher = "Springer", address = "Boston, MA", year = "1997", pages = "236-248" } @article{dhl2016, author = "J. J. Dongarra and M. A. Heroux and P. Luszczek", title = "High{-}performance conjugate{-}gradient benchmark: {A} new metric for ranking high{-}performance computing systems", journal = "The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications", volume = "30", number = "1", year = "2016", pages = "3-10" } @article{doh1986, author = "J. J. Dongarra and T. Hewitt", title = "Implementing dense linear algebra algorithms using multitasking on the Cray {X–MP–4} (or approaching the {Gigaflop})", journal = SISSC, volume = "7", number = "1", year = "1986", pages = "347-305" } @article{dh1979, author = "J. J. Dongarra and A. R Hinds", title ="Unrolling loops in {Fortran}", journal = SPE, volume = "9", number = "3", year = "1979", pages = "219-226" } @article{dld2003, author = "J. J. Dongarra and P. Luszczek and A. Petitet", title = "The {LINPACK} benchmark: past, present and future", journal = CCPE, volume = "15", number = "9", year = "2003", pages = "803-820" } @article{dms1997, author = "J. J. Dongarra and H. W. Meuer and E. Strohmaier", title = "{TOP500} supercomputer sites", journal = "Supercomputer", volume = "13", year = "1997", pages = "89-111" } @misc{dmss2000, author = "J. J. Dongarra and H. W. Meuer and H. D. Simon and E. Strohmaier", title = "High performance computing today", howpublished = "Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory", year = "2000" } @techreport{dm1980, author = "J. J. Dongarra and C. B. Moler", title = "Implementation guide for {Linpack}", institution = "Argonne National Laboratory", number = "ANL-80-105", note = "Linpack working note \# 13", year = "1980" } @inproceedings{dm1984, author = "J. J. Dongarra and C. B. Moler", title = "Eispack: A package for solving matrix eigenvalue problems", booktitle = "Sources and Development of Mathematical Software", editor = "W. R. Cowell", publisher = "Prentice-Hall", address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ", year = "1984", pages = "68-87" } @misc{dora2000, author = "J. J. Dongarra and P. Raghavan", title = "A new recursive implementation of sparse {Cholesky} factorization", howpublished = "Proceedings of the 16th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computing, Applications, Mathematics, and Simulation", year = "2000" } @article{dos1984, author = "J. J. Dongarra and A. H. Sameh", title = "On some parallel banded system solvers", journal = PARCOMP, volume = "1", year = "1984", pages = "223-235" } @article{dso1987, author = "J. J. Dongarra and D. C. Sorensen", title = "A fully parallel algorithm for the symmetric eigenvalue problem", journal = SISSC, volume = "8", year = "1987", pages = "139-154" } @techreport{ds1982, author = "J. J. Dongarra and G. W. Stewart", title = "Linpack - {A} package for solving linear systems", note = "Linpack working note 15", institution = "Argonne National Laboratory", number = "ANL-82-30", year = "1982" } @article{dtlkgyaha2017, author = "J. Dongarra and S. Tomov and P. Luszczek and J. Kurzak and M. Gates and I. Yamazaki and H. Anzt and A. Haidar and A. Abdelfattah", title = "With extreme computing the rules have changed", journal = CSE, volume = "19", number = "3", note = "IEEE", year = "2017", pages = "52-62" } @article{dw1996, author = "J. J. Dongarra and D. Walker", title = "{MPI}: {A} standard message passing interface", journal = "Supercomputer", volume = "12", number = "1", year = "1996", pages = "56-68" } @techreport{dow1993, author = {J. J. Dongarra and D. W. Walker}, title = {The design of linear algebra libraries for high performance computers}, year = {1993}, number = {ORNL/TM-12404}, institution = {Oak Ridge National Lab.}, } @article{dw2000, author = "J. J. Dongarra and J. Wa\'{s}niewski", title = "LAPACK95 {-} high performance linear algebra package", journal = "Math. Model. Anal.", volume = "5", number = "1", year = "2000", pages = "44-54" } @article{dly1971, author = "J. D. P. Donnelly", title = "Periodic chaotic relaxation", journal = LAA, volume = "4", number = "2", year = "1971", pages = "117-128" } @article{dgh1957, author = "W. F. Donoghue", title = "On the numerical range of a bounded operator", journal = "Michigan Math. J.", volume = "4", number = "3", year = "1957", pages = "261-263" } @incollection{doo1881, author = "M. H. Doolittle", booktitle = "Report of the Superintendant of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey showing the progress of the work during fiscal year ending June 1878", title = "Explanations and illustrations of method employed in the office in solution of normal equations and the adjustment of a triangulation", publisher = "Government Publishing Office", address = "Washington", year = "1881", pages = "115-120" } @article{domo2005, author = "F. M. Dopico and J. M. Molera", title = "Perturbation theory for factorizations of {LU} type through series expansions", journal = SIMAX, volume = "27", number = "2", year = "2005", pages = "561-581" } @article{dkmo2009, author = "F. M. Dopico and P. Koev and J. M. Molera", title = "Implicit standard {Jacobi} gives high relative accuracy", journal = NUMAT, volume = "113", number = "4", year = "2009", pages = "519-553" } @article{douh2016, author = "F. M. Dopico and F. Uhlig", title = "Computing matrix symmetrizers, part 2: {N}ew methods using eigendata and linear means; a comparison", journal = LAA, volume = "504", year = "2016", pages = "590-622" } @article{dosc1994, author = "P. D{\"{o}}rfler and G. Schmeisser", title = "Construction of unitary and normal companion matrices", journal = LAA, volume = "202", year = "1994", pages = "193-220" } @misc{dor1990, author = "J. L. Dorier", title = "Analyse historique de l'{\'{e}}mergence des concepts {\'{e}}l{\'{e}}mentaires d'alg{\`e}bre lin{\'{e}}aire", howpublished = "hal-02138152", year = "1990" } @article{dor1993, author = "J. L. Dorier", title = "Emergence du concept de rang dans l'{\'{e}}tude des syst{\`e}mes d'{\'{e}}quations lin{\'{e}}aires", journal = "Cahiers du S{\'{e}}minaire d'Histoire des Math{\'{e}}matiques 2{\'{e}}me s{\'{e}}rie", volume = "3", year = "1993", pages = "159-190" } @article{dor1995, author = "J. L. Dorier", title = "A general outline of the genesis of vector space theory", journal = HM, volume = "22", number = "3", year = "1995", pages = "227-261" } @article{drr1970, author = "F. W. Dorr", title = "The direct solution of the discrete {Poisson} equation on a rectangle", journal = SIREV, volume = "12", number = "2", year = "1970", pages = "248-263" } @article{drr1975, author = "F. W. Dorr", title = "The direct solution of the discrete {Poisson} equation in {O}($n^2$) operations", journal = SIREV, volume = "17", number = "3", year = "1975", pages = "412-415" } @article{do1988, author = "Z. 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Reid", title = "Sparsity structure and {Gauss}ian elimination", journal = "ACM Signum newsletter", volume = "23", number = "2", year = "1988", pages = "2-8" } @article{der1976, author = "I. S. Duff and A. M. Erisman and J. K. Reid", title = "On {George}'s nested dissection method", journal = SINUM, volume = "13", number = "5", year = "1976", pages = "686-695" } @book{der2017, author = "I. S. Duff and A. M. Erisman and J. K. Reid", title = "Direct Methods for Sparse Matrices", edition = "2nd", publisher = "Oxford University Press", note = "First edition 1987", year = "2017" } @techreport{dgl1987, author = {I. S. Duff and N. I. Gould and M. Lescrenier and J. K. Reid}, title = {The multifrontal method in a parallel environment}, year = {1987}, number = {CSS 211}, institution = {Harwell Laboratory}, } @inproceedings{dgl1990, author = "I. S. Duff and N. I. Gould and M. Lescrenier and J. K. 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Ng", title = "Solution of sparse positive definite systems on a shared-memory multiprocessor", journal = IJPP, volume = "15", number = "4", year = "1986", pages = "309-325" } @article{ghln1988, author = "J. A. George and M. T. Heath and J. W. H. Liu and E. G. Ng", title = "Sparse {Cholesky} factorization on a local memory multiprocessor", journal = SISSC, volume = "9", number = "2", year = "1988", pages = "327-340" } @article{ghln1989, author = "J. A. George and M. T. Heath and J. W. H. Liu and E. G. Ng", title = "Solution of sparse positive definite systems on a hypercube", journal = JCAM, volume = "27", year = "1989", pages = "129-156" } @article{ghnl1987, author = "J. A. George and M. T. Heath and E. G. Ng and J. W. H. Liu", title = "Symbolic {Cholesky} factorization on a local memory multiprocessor", journal = PARCOMP, volume = "5", number = "1-2", year = "1987", pages = "85-96" } @article{gi1996, author = "J. A. George and Kh. Ikramov", title = "Is the polar decomposition finitely computable?", journal = SIMAX, volume = "17", number = "2", year = "1996", pages = "348-354" } @article{gi1997, author = "J. A. George and Kh. Ikramov", title = "Addendum: {I}s the polar decomposition finitely computable?", journal = SIMAX, volume = "18", number = "1", year = "1997", pages = "264" } @article{gi2005, author = "J. A. George and Kh. Ikramov", title = "Block {LU} factorization is stable for block matrices whose inverses are block diagonally dominant", journal = "J. Math. Sci.", volume = "127", number = "3", year = "2005", pages = "1962-1968" } @article{geol1975, author = "J. A. George and J. W. H. Liu", title = "A note on fill for sparse matrices", journal = SINUM, volume = "12", number = "3", year = "1975", pages = "452–455" } @article{gl1975, author = "J. A. George and J. W. H. Liu", title = "A note on fill for sparse matrices", journal = SINUM, volume = "12", year = "1975", pages = "452-455" } @article{gel1978b, author = "J. A. George and J. W. H. Liu", title = "Algorithms for matrix partitioning and the numerical solution of finite element systems", journal = SINUM, volume = "15", number = "2", year = "1978", pages = "297-327" } @article{gl1978, author = "J. A. George and J. W. H. Liu", title = "An automatic nested dissection algorithm for irregular finite element problems", journal = SINUM, volume = "15", number = "5", year = "1978", pages = "1053-1069" } @article{gl1979, author = "J. A. George and J. W. H. Liu", title = "An implementation of a pseudo-peripheral node finder", journal = TOMS, volume = "5", number = "3", year = "1979", pages = "284-295" } @article{gl1979b, author = "J. A. George and J. W. H. Liu", title = "The design of a user interface for a sparse matrix package", journal = TOMS, volume = "5", number = "2", year = "1979", pages = "139-162" } @article{gl1980c, author = "J. A. George and J. W. H. Liu", title = "A fast implementation of the minimum degree algorithm using quotient graphs", journal = TOMS, volume = "6", number = "3", year = "1980", pages = "337-358" } @article{gl1980, author = "J. A. George and J. W. H. Liu", title = "A minimal storage implementation of the minimum degree algorithm", journal = SINUM, volume = "17", number = "2", year = "1980", pages = "282-299" } @article{gl1980b, author = "J. A. George and J. W. H. Liu", title = "An optimal algorithm for symbolic factorization of symmetric matrices", journal = SIC, volume = "9", number = "3", year = "1980", pages = "583-593" } @book{gl1981, author = "J. A. George and J. W. H. 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Golub", title = "The use of {Chebyshev} matrix polynomials in the iterative solution of linear equations compared to the method of successive overrelaxation", school = "Dept. of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign", year = "1959" } @article{go1962b, author = "G. H. Golub", title = "Bounds for eigenvalues of tridiagonal symmetric matrices computed by the {LR} method", journal = MATCOMP, volume = "16", year = "1962", pages = "438-445" } @article{go1962, author = "G. H. Golub", title = "Bounds for the round-off errors in the {Richardson} second order method", journal = BITNM, volume = "2", number = "4", year = "1962", pages = "212-223" } @article{go1965, author = "G. H. Golub", title = "Numerical methods for solving linear least squares problems", journal = NUMAT, volume = "7", year = "1965", pages = "206-216" } @article{go1968, author = "G. H. Golub", title = "Least squares, singular values and matrix approximations", journal = "Aplikace Matematiky", volume = "13", number = "1", year = "1968", pages = "44-51" } @article{go1973, author = "G. H. Golub", title = "Some modified matrix eigenvalue problems", journal = SIREV, volume = "15", number = "2", year = "1973", pages = "318-334" } @article{go1974, author = "G. H. Golub", title = "Bounds for matrix moments", journal = RMJM, volume = "4", number = "2", year = "1974", pages = "207-211" } @inproceedings{go1995, author = "G. H. Golub", title = "Matrix computation and the theory of moments", booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Z{\"u}rich, Switzerland 1994", editor = "S. D. Chatterji", publisher = "Birkh{\"a}user", address = "Basel", year = "1995", pages = "1440-1448" } @article{gof1992, author = "G. H. Golub and B. Fischer", title = "How to generate unknown orthogonal polynomials out of known orthogonal polynomials", journal = JCAM, volume = "43", year = "1992", pages = "99-115" } @article{gog1990, author = "G. H. Golub and M. H. Gutknecht", title = "Modified moments for indefinite weight functions", journal = NUMAT, volume = "57", year = "1990", pages = "607-624" } @article{ghol1999, author = "G. H. Golub and P. C. Hansen and D. P. {O'Leary}", title = "Tikhonov regularization and total least squares", journal = SIMAX, volume = "21", number = "1", year = "1999", pages = "185-194" } @article{ghw1979, author = "G. H. Golub and M. Heath and G. Wahba", title = "Generalized cross-validation as a method to choosing a good ridge parameter", journal = TEC, volume = "21", number = "2", year = "1979", pages = "215-223" } @article{ghs1987, author = "G. H. Golub and A. Hoffman and G. W. Stewart", title = "A generalization of the {Eckart-Young-Mirsky} matrix approximation theorem", journal = LAA, volume = "88", year = "1987", pages = "317-327" } @article{gk1965, author = "G. H. Golub and W. Kahan", title = "Calculating the singular values and pseudo-inverse of a matrix", journal = SINUM, volume = "2", number = "2", year = "1965", pages = "205-224" } @article{gok1986, author = "G. H. Golub and R. Kannan", title = "Convergence of a two-stage {Richardson} process for non linear equations", journal = BITNM, volume = "26", number = "2", year = "1986", pages = "209-216" } @article{gok1983, author = "G. H. Golub and J. Kautsky", title = "Calculation of {Gauss} quadratures with multiple free and fixed knots", journal = NUMAT, volume = "41", year = "1983", pages = "147-163" } @article{goke1989, author = "G. H. Golub and M. D. Kent", title = "Estimates of eigenvalues for iterative methods", journal = MATCOMP, volume = "53", number = "188", year = "1989", pages = "619-626" } @techreport{gks1976, author = "G. H. Golub and V. Klema and G. W. Stewart", title = "Rank degeneracy and least squares problems", institution = "Stanford University, Dept. of Computer Science", number = "STAN-CS-76-559", year = "1976" } @article{gv1979, author = "G. H. Golub and C. F. {Van Loan}", title = "Unsymmetric positive definite linear systems", journal = LAA, volume = "28", year = "1979", pages = "85-97" } @article{gvl1980, author = "G. H. Golub and C. F. {Van Loan}", title = "An analysis of the total least squares problem", journal = SINUM, volume = "17", number = "6", year = "1980", pages = "883-893" } @book{gvl1989, author = "G. H. Golub and C. F. {Van Loan}", title = "Matrix {C}omputations", edition = "2nd", publisher = "Johns Hopkins University Press", address = "Baltimore", year = "1989" } @book{gvl1996, author = "G. H. Golub and C. F. {Van Loan}", title = "Matrix {C}omputations", edition = "3rd", publisher = "Johns Hopkins University Press", address = "Baltimore", year = "1996" } @book{gvl2013, author = "G. H. Golub and C. F. {Van Loan}", title = "Matrix {C}omputations", edition = "4th", publisher = "Johns Hopkins University Press", address = "Baltimore", year = "2013" } @inproceedings{golu1976, author = "G. H. Golub and F. T. Luk", title = "Singular value decomposition: {A}pplications and computations", booktitle = "Transactions of the Twenty-Second Conference of Army Mathematicians", publisher = "US Army Research Office", year = "1976", pages = "577-605" } @article{gvm1991, author = "G. H. Golub and U. {von Matt}", title = "Quadratically constrained least squares and quadratic problems", journal = NUMAT, volume = "59", year = "1991", pages = "561-580" } @inproceedings{gvm1997, author = "G. H. Golub and U. {von Matt}", title = "Generalized cross-validation for large scale problems", booktitle = "Recent Advances in Total Least Squares Techniques and Errors-in-variable Modelling", editor = "S. {van Huffel}", publisher = "SIAM", address = "Philadelphia", year = "1997", pages = "139-148" } @inproceedings{gvm1997b, author = "G. H. Golub and U. {von Matt}", title = "Tikhonov regularization for large scale problems", booktitle = "Scientific Computing", editor = "G. H. Golub and S. H. Lui and F. Luk and R. Plemmons", publisher = "Springer", address = "Berlin", year = "1997", pages = "3-26" } @inproceedings{gma1984, author = "G. H. Golub and D. Mayers", title = "The use of preconditioning over irregular regions", booktitle = "Computing Methods in Applied Science and Engineering VI", editor = "R. Glowinski and J. L. Lions", publisher = "North-Holland", year = "1984", pages = "3-14" } @article{gomo2001, author = "G. H. Golub and H. Melb\o", title = "A stochastic approach to error estimates for iterative linear solvers, part 1", journal = BITNM, volume = "41", number = "5", year = "2001", pages = "977-985" } @techreport{gomo2001b, author = {G. H. Golub and H. Melb\o}, title = {A stochastic approach to error estimates for iterative linear solvers, part 2}, year = {2001}, number = {SCCM-01-05}, institution = {Stanford University, Computer Science Dept.}, } @book{gom1983, author = "G. H. Golub and G. Meurant", title = "R{\'e}solution Num{\'e}rique des Grands Syst{\`e}mes Lin{\'e}aires", publisher = "Eyrolles", year = "1983" } @inproceedings{gm1994, author = "G. H. Golub and G. Meurant", title = "Matrices, moments and quadrature", booktitle = "Numerical Analysis 1993", editor = "D. F. Griffiths and G. A. Watson", series = "Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics", volume = "303", publisher = "Longman Sci. Tech.", year = "1994", pages = "105-156", note = "Reprinted in \cite{cgl2007}" } @article{gme1997, author = "G. H. Golub and G. Meurant", title = "Matrices, moments and quadrature {II} or how to compute the norm of the error in iterative methods", journal = BITNM, volume = "37", number = "3", year = "1997", pages = "687-705" } @book{gme2010, author = "G. H. Golub and G. Meurant", title = "Matrices, Moments and Quadrature with Applications", publisher = "Princeton University Press", year = "2010" } @article{gom1987, author = "G. H. Golub and C. B. Moler", title = "Dedication to {J}. {H}. {Wilkinson}", journal = LAA, volume = "88/89", number = "1-3", year = "1987", pages = "1-3" } @article{gnv1979, author = "G. H. Golub and S. Nash and C. Van Loan", title = "A {Hessenberg}-{Schur} method for the problem {$AX+XB=C$}", journal = ITAC, volume = "24", number = "6", year = "1979", pages = "909-913" } @article{gol1989, author = "G. H. Golub and D. P. {O{'}Leary}", title = "Some history of the conjugate gradient and {Lanczos} algorithms: 1948-1976", journal = SIREV, volume = "31", number = "1", year = "1989", pages = "50-102" } @book{goo1992, author = "G. H. Golub and J. M. Ortega", title = "Scientific Computing and Differential Equations, an Introduction to Numerical Methods", publisher = "Academic Press", year = "1992" } @techreport{gov1981, author = {G. H. Golub and M. L. Overton}, title = {Convergence of a two-stage {Richardson} iterative procedure for solving systems of linear equations}, year = {1981}, number = {NA-81-17}, institution = {Computer Science Dept., Stanford University}, } @article{gov1988, author = "G. H. Golub and M. L. Overton", title = "The convergence of inexact {Chebyshev} and {Richardson} iterative methods for solving linear systems", journal = NUMAT, volume = "53", number = "5", year = "1988", pages = "571-593" } @inproceedings{godp1990, author = {G. H. Golub and J. E. {de Pillis}}, booktitle = {Iterative Methods for Large Linear Systems}, title = {Toward an effective two-parameter {SOR} method}, year = {1990}, editor = {D. R. Kincaid and L. J. Hayes}, pages = {107-119}, publisher = {Academic Press}, } @article{gr1970, author = "G. H. Golub and C. Reinsch", title = "Singular value decomposition and least squares solutions", journal = NUMAT, volume = "14", year = "1970", pages = "403-420" } @article{grt2007, author = "G. H. Golub and D. Ruiz and A. Touhami", title = "A hybrid approach combining {Chebyshev} filter and conjugate gradient for solving linear systems with multiple right-hand sides", journal = SIMAX, volume = "29", number = "3", year = "2007", pages ="774-795" } @article{gsvd2000, author = "G. H. Golub and K. S{{\o}}lna and P. {Van Dooren}", title = "Computing the {SVD} of a general matrix product/quotient", journal = SIMAX, volume = "22", number = "1", year = "2000", pages = "1-19" } @article{gsw2008, author = "G. H. Golub and M. Stoll and A. Wathen", title = "Approximation of the scattering amplitude and linear systems", journal = ETNA, volume = "31", year = "2008", pages = "178-203" } @article{gs1994, author = "G. H. Golub and Z. Strako{\v{s}}", title = "Estimates in quadratic formulas", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "8", number = "2", year = "1994", pages = "241-268" } @article{gu2009, author = "G. H. Golub and F. Uhlig", title = "The {QR} algorithm: 50 years later its genesis by {J}ohn {Francis} and {V}era {Kublanovskaya} and subsequent developments", journal = IMAJNA, volume = "29", number = "3", year = "2009", pages = "467-485" } @inproceedings{gu1977, author = "G. H. Golub and R. Underwood", title = "The block {Lanczos} method for computing eigenvalues", booktitle = "Mathematical Software {III}, Proceedings of a Symposium conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, March 28{-}30, 1977", editor = "J. Rice", publisher = "Academic Press", year = "1977", pages = "361-377" } @article{gov1974, author = "G. H. Golub and J. M. Varah", title = "On a characterization of the best $\ell_2$-scaling of a matrix", journal = SINUM, volume = "11", number = "3", year = "1974", pages = "472-479" } @article{go1961, author = "G. H. Golub and R. S. Varga", title = "{Chebyshev} semi-iterative methods, successive overrelaxation iterative Methods, and second order {Richardson} iterative methods. {I}", journal = NUMAT, volume = "3", number = "1", year = "1961", pages = "147-156" } @article{go1961b, author = "G. H. Golub and R. S. Varga", title = "{Chebyshev} semi-iterative methods, successive overrelaxation iterative Methods, and second order {Richardson} iterative methods. {II}", journal = NUMAT, volume = "3", number = "1", year = "1961", pages = "157-168" } @incollection{gvdv1997b, author = "G. H. Golub and H. A. {van der Vorst}", title = "150 years old and still alive: {E}igenproblems", booktitle = "The State of the Art in Numerical Analysis", editor = "I. S. Duff and G. A. Watson", publisher = "Oxford University Press", year = "1997", pages = "93-119" } @incollection{gvdv1997, author = "G. H. Golub and H. A. {van der Vorst}", title = "Closer to the solutions: {I}terative linear solvers", booktitle = "The State of the Art in Numerical Analysis", editor = "I. S. Duff and G. A. Watson", publisher = "Oxford University Press", year = "1997", pages = "63-92" } @article{gvdv1997c, author = "G. H. Golub and H. A. {van der Vorst}", title = "Eigenvalue computation in the 20th century", journal = JCAM, volume = "123", number = "1-2", year = "2000", pages = "35-65" } @inproceedings{gvdv2001, author = "G. H. Golub and H. A. {van der Vorst}", title = "Closer to the solutions: {I}terative linear solvers", booktitle = "The State of the Art in Numerical Analysis", editor = "I. S. Duff and G. A. Watson", publisher = "Oxford University Press", year = "2001", pages = "63-92" } @techreport{gw1967, author = "G. H. Golub and J. H. Welsch", title = "Calculation of {Gauss} quadrature rules", institution = "Stanford University, Computer Science Dept.", number = "CS 81", year = "1967" } @article{gw1969, author = "G. H. Golub and J. H. Welsch", title = "Calculation of {Gauss} quadrature rules", journal = MATCOMP, volume = "23", number = "106", year = "1969", pages = "221-230" } @article{gwi1976, author = "G. H. Golub and J. H. Wilkinson", title = "Ill-conditioned eigensystems and the computation of the {Jordan} canonical form", journal = SIREV, volume = "18", number = "4", year = "1976", pages = "578-619" } @article{gy1999, author = "G. H. Golub and Q. Ye", title = "Inexact preconditioned conjugate gradient method with inner-outer iteration", journal = SISC, volume = "21", number = "4", year = "1999", pages = "1305-1320" } @article{gye2000, author = "G. H. Golub and Q. Ye", title = "Inexact inverse iteration for generalized eigenvalue problems", journal = BIT, volume = "40", number = "4", year = "2000", pages = "671-684" } @article{gyzh1994, author = "G. H. Golub and H. Zha", title = "Perturbation analysis of the canonical correlations of matrix pairs", journal = LAA, volume = "210", year = "1994", pages = "3-28" } @article{grt2008, author = "M. Gomes-Ruggiero and V. Rocha Lopes and J. Toledo-Benavides", title = "A safeguard approach to detect stagnation of {GMRES}(m) with applications in {Newton}-{Krylov} methods", journal = COAM, volume = "27", number = "2", year = "2008", pages = "175-199" } @phdthesis{gnn2009, author = "P. Gonnet", title = "Adaptive quadrature re-revisited", school = "ETH Z{\"{u}}rich", year = "2009" } @article{gptr2011, author = "P. Gonnet and R. Pach{\'{o}}n and L. N. Trefethen", title = "Robust rational interpolation and least-squares", journal = ETNA, volume = "38", year = "2011", pages = "146-167" } @article{ggtr2013, author = "P. Gonnet and S. G{\"{u}}ttel and L. N. Trefethen", title = "Robust {Pad{\'e}} approximation via {SVD}", journal = SIREV, volume = "55", number = "1", year = "2013", pages = "101-117" } @article{gosc2016, author = "C. C. Gonzaga and R. M. Schneider", title = "On the steepest descent algorithm for quadratic functions", journal = "Comput. Optim. Appl.", volume = "63", number = "2", year = "2016", pages = "523-542" } @article{gbc2018, author = "S. L. Gonzaga de Oliveira and J. A. B. Bernardes and G. O. Chagas", title = "An evaluation of reordering algorithms to reduce the computational cost of the incomplete {Cholesky}-conjugate gradient method", journal = COAM, volume = "37", number = "3", year = "2018", pages = "2965-3004" } @article{gcp2000, author = "P. Gonz{\'{a}}lez and J. C. Cabaleiro and T. F. Pena", title = "On parallel solvers for sparse triangular systems", journal = "J. Syst. Archit.", volume = "46", number = "8", year = "2000", pages = "675-685" } @phdthesis{goz1986, author = "R. Gonzalez", title = "Domain decomposition for two dimensional elliptic operators on vector and parallel machines", school = "Rice University", year = "1986" } @article{gmtt2011, author = "J. {Gonz{\'{a}}lez-Dom{\'\i}nguez} and M. J. Mart{\'\i}n and G. L. Taboada and J. Tourino", title = "Dense triangular solvers on multicore clusters using {UPC}", journal = PCS, volume = "4", year = "2011", pages = "231-240" } @article{grt2012, author = "E. {Gonz{\'{a}}lez-Guti{\'e}rrez} and L. {Hern{\'{a}}ndez Rebollar} and M. I. Todorov", title = "Relaxation methods for solving linear inequality systems: converging results", journal = "TOP", volume = "20", year ="2012", pages ="426-436" } @article{goo1958, author = "I. J. Good", title = "The interaction algorithm and practical {Fourier} analysis", journal = "J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B", volume = "20", year = "1958", pages = "361-372" } @article{goo1971, author = "I. J. Good", title = "The relationship between two {Fast Fourier Transforms}", journal = ITCO, volume = "20", year = "1971", pages = "310-317" } @article{gmrs1995, author = "T. N. T. Goodman and C. A. Micchelli and G. Rodriguez and S. Seatzu", title = "On the {Cholesky} factorization of the {Gram} matrix of locally supported functions", journal = BITNM, volume = "35", number = "2", year = "1995", pages = "233-257" } @article{goo2020, author = "J. R. Goodstein", title = "Olga {Taussky-Todd}", journal = NAMS, volume = "67", number = "3", year = "2020", pages = "345-353" } @article{gor1999, author = "S. Goossens and D. Roose", title = "Ritz and harmonic {Ritz} values and the convergence of {FOM} and {GMRES}", journal = NLAA, volume = "6", number = "4", year = "1999", pages = "281-293" } @phdthesis{gvs1990, author = "D. Goovaerts", title = "Domain decomposition for elliptic partial differential equations", school = "Katholieke Universiteit Leuven", year = "1990" } @article{gotr2019, author = "A. Gopal and L. N. Trefethen", title = "New {Laplace} and {Helmholtz} solvers", journal = PNAS, volume = "116", number = "21", year = "2019", pages = "10223-10225" } @article{gotr2019b, author = "A. Gopal and L. N. Trefethen", title = "Representation of conformal maps by rational functions", journal = NUMAT, volume = "142", number = "2", year = "2019", pages = "359-382" } @article{gor2005, author = "D. Gordon", title = "Parallel {ART} for image reconstruction in {CT} using processor arrays", journal = "Int. J. Parallel Emergent Distrib. Syst.", volume = "21", year = "2005", pages = "365-380" } @article{gor2018, author = "D. Gordon", title = "The {Cimmino-Kaczmarz} equivalence and related results", journal = "Appl. Anal. Optim.", volume = "2", year = "2018", pages = "253-270" } @article{gbh1970, author = "R. Gordon and R. Bender and G. T. Herman", title = "Algebraic reconstruction techniques {(ART)} for three-dimensional electron microscopy and x-ray photography", journal = "J. Theor. Biol.", volume = "29", year = "1970", pages = "471-481" } @article{gcgmrl2019, author = "C. Gorman and G. Ch{\'{a}}vez and P. Ghysels and T. Mary and F. H. Rouet and X. S. Li", title = "Robust and accurate stopping criteria for adaptive randomized sampling in matrix-free hierarchically semiseparable construction", journal = SISC, volume = "41", number = "5", year = "2019", pages = "S61-S85" } @book{gos1577, author = "G. Gosselin", title = "De Arte Magna, seu de Occulta Parte Numerorum quae et {A}lgebra et {A}lmucabala Vulgo Dicitur", publisher = "Gilles Bets", address = "Paris", year = "1577" } @article{goto2008, author = "C. Gotsman and S. Toledo", title = "On the computation of null spaces of sparse rectangular matrices", journal = SIMAX, volume = "30", number = "2", year = "2008", pages = "445-463" } @incollection{gou1996, author = "D. Gough", title = "The success story of the transfer and development of methods from geophysics to helioseismology", booktitle = "Inverse Methods", editor = "B. H. Jacobsen and K. Mosegaard and P. Sibani", publisher = "Springer", address = "Berlin, Heidelberg", year = "1996", pages = "1-31" } @article{gou1991, author = "N. Gould", title = "On growth in {Gauss}ian elimination with complete pivoting", journal =SIMAX, volume = "12", number = "2", year = "1991", pages = "354-361" } @techreport{gsc1995, author = {N. I. Gould and J. A. Scott}, institution = {Rutherford Appleton Laboratory}, title = {On approximate inverse preconditioners}, year = {1995}, address = {UK}, number = {RAL-TR-95-026}, } @article{gos1998, author = "N. I. Gould and J. A. Scott", title = "Sparse approximate-inverse preconditioners using norm-minimization techniques", journal = SISC, volume = "19", number = "2", year = "1998", pages = "605-625" } @article{gsh2007, author = "N. I. Gould and J. A. Scott and Y. Hu", title = "A numerical evaluation of sparse direct solvers for the solution of large sparse symmetric linear systems of equations", journal = TOMS, volume = "33", number = "2", year = "2007", pages = "1-32" } @article{goou1968, author = "A. R. Gourlay", title = "The acceleration of the {Peaceman-Rachford} method by {Chebyshev} polynomials", journal = COMPJ, volume = "10", year = "1968", pages = "378-382" } @article{goou1970, author = "A. R. Gourlay", title = "On {Chebychev} acceleration procedures for alternating direction iterative methods", journal = JIMA, volume = "6", year = "1970", pages = "1-11" } @article{gor2015, author = "R. Gower and P. Richt{\'a}rik", title = "Randomized iterative methods for linear systems", journal = SIMAX, volume = "36", number = "4", year = "2015", pages = "1660-1690" } @incollection{gow2011, author = "T. Gowers", title = "Is {M}athematics discoverd or invented?", booktitle ="Meaning in Mathematics", editor = "J. Polkinghorne", publisher = "Oxford University Press", year = "2011", pages = "3-12" } @misc{gaa2012, author = "M. M. Gra{\c{c}}a", title = "Quadrature as a least-squares and minimax problem", howpublished = "ArXiv preprint arXiv:1206.0281", year = "2012" } @article{gra1972, author = "W. B. 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Hestenes", title = "Iterative computational methods", journal = CPAM, volume = "8", number = "1", year = "1955", pages = "85-95" } @inproceedings{hes1956, author = "M. R. Hestenes", title = "The conjugate gradient method for solving linear systems", booktitle = "Numerical Analysis, Proc. Symp. Appl. Math VI,", editor = "J. H. Curtiss", publisher = "American Mathematical Society", year = "1956", pages = "83-102" } @article{hes1958, author = "M. R. Hestenes", title = "Inversion of matrices by biorthogonalization and related results", journal = SIAMJ, volume = "6", number = "1", year = "1958", pages = "51-90" } @article{hes1973, author = "M. R. Hestenes", title = "Iterative methods for solving linear equations", journal = JOTA, volume = "11", number = "4", year = "1973", pages = "323-334" } @book{hes1980, author = "M. R. Hestenes", title = "Conjugate Direction Methods in Optimization", publisher = "Springer", year = "1980" } @inproceedings{hes1990, author = "M. R. Hestenes", title = "Conjugacy and gradients", booktitle = "A History of Scientific Computing", editor = "S.G. Nash", publisher = "ACM Press", year = "1990", pages = "167-179" } @article{hk1951, author = "M. R. Hestenes and W. Karush", title = "A method of gradients for the calculation of the characteristic roots and vectors of a real symmetric matrix", journal = JNBS, volume = "47", number = "1", year = "1951", pages = "45-61" } @article{hems1940, author = "M. R. Hestenes and E. J. McShane", title = "A theorem on quadratic forms and its application in the calculus of variations", journal = TAMS, volume = "47", number = "3", year = "1940", pages = "501-512" } @article{hs1952, author = "M. R. Hestenes and E. Stiefel", title = "Methods of conjugate gradients for solving linear systems", journal = JNBS, volume = "49", number = "6", year = "1952", pages = "409-436" } @techreport{ht1991, author = "M. R. Hestenes and J. Todd", title = "{NBS-INA}. the {Institute for Numerical Analysis}, {UCLA} 1947-1954", institution = "NIST", number = "Special Publication 730", year = "1991" } @article{htv1998, author = "J. S. Hesthaven", title = "From electrostatics to almost optimal nodal sets for polynomial interpolation in a simplex", journal = SINUM, volume = "35", number = "2", year = "1998", pages = "655-676" } @article{het2015, author = "C. Hettle", title = "The symbolic and mathematical influence of {Diophantus}' {Arithmetica}", journal = "Journal of Humanistic Mathematics", volume = "5", number = "1", year = "2015", pages = "139-166" } @article{hmo1987, author = "K. J. Heuvers and D. Moak", title = "Matrix solutions of the functional equation of the gamma function", journal = "Aequationes Mathematicae", volume = "33", number = "1", year = "1987", pages = "1-17" } @article{hey2001, author = "M. Heyouni", title = "The global {Hessenberg} and {CMRH} methods for linear systems with multiple right-hand sides", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "26", number = "4", year = "2001", pages = "317-332" } @article{hee2005, author = "M. Heyouni and A. Essai", title = "Matrix {Krylov} subspace methods for linear systems with multiple right-hand sides", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "40", number = "2", year = "2005", pages = "137-156" } @article{hys1998, author = "M. Heyouni and H. Sadok", title = "On a variable smoothing procedure for {Krylov} subspace methods", journal = LAA, volume = "268", year = "1998", pages = "131-149" } @article{hs2008, author = "M. Heyouni and H. Sadok", title = "A new implementation of the {CMRH} method for solving dense linear systems", journal = JCAM, volume = "213", number = "22", year = "2008", pages = "387-399" } @article{hz2010, author = "J. E. Hicken and D. W. Zingg", title = "A simplified and flexible variant of {GCROT} for solving nonsymmetric linear systems", journal = SISC, volume = "32", number = "3", year = "2010", pages = "1672-1694" } @inproceedings{hlb2001, author = "Y. Hida and X. S. Li and D. H. Bailey", title = "Algorithms for quad-double precision floating point arithmetic", booktitle = "Proceedings 15th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic. ARITH-15", year = "2001", pages = "155-162" } @article{hid1995, author = "D. J. Higham", title = "Condition numbers and their condition numbers", journal = LAA, volume = "214", year = "1995", pages = "193-213" } @article{hi1986, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Computing the polar decomposition-with applications", journal = SISSC, volume = "7", number = "4", year = "1986", pages = "1160-1174" } @article{hi1986b, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Efficient algorithms for computing the condition number of a tridiagonal matrix", journal = SISSC, volume = "7", number = "1", year = "1986", pages = "150-165" } @article{hi1987, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "A survey of condition number estimation for triangular matrices", journal = SIREV, volume = "29", number = "4", year = "1987", pages = "575-596" } @article{hi1987b, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Error analysis of the {Bj{\"{o}}rck}-{Pereyra} algorithms for solving {Vandermonde} systems", journal = NUMAT, volume = "50", number = "5", year = "1987", pages = "613-632" } @article{hi1988, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Algorithm 674: {FORTRAN} codes for estimating the one-norm of a real or complex matrix, with applications to condition estimation", journal = TOMS, volume = "14", number = "4", year = "1988", pages = "381-396" } @article{hi1988b, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Computing a nearest symmetric positive semidefinite matrix", journal = LAA, volume = "103", year = "1988", pages = "103-118" } @article{hi1988c, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Matrix nearness problems and applications", journal = "Inst. Math. Appl. Conf. Ser. New Ser.", volume = "22", year = "1988", pages = "1-27" } @article{hi1988d, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Fast solution of {Vandermonde}-like systems involving orthogonal polynomials", journal = IMAJNA, volume = "8", year = "1988", pages = "473-486" } @inproceedings{hi1989b, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "How accurate is {Gauss}ian elimination?", booktitle = "Numerical Analysis 1989", editor = "D. F. Griffiths and G. A. Watson", publisher = "Longman Scientific and Technical", year = "1989", pages = "137-154", note = "Vol. 228, Pitman research notes in mathematics series" } @article{hi1989, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "The accuracy of solutions to triangular systems", journal = SINUM, volume = "26", number = "5", year = "1989", pages = "252-265" } @article{hi1990b, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Bounding the error in {Gauss}ian elimination for tridiagonal systems", journal = SIMAX, volume = "11", number = "4", year = "1990", pages = "521-530" } @article{hi1990, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Experience with a matrix norm estimator", journal = SISSC, volume = "11", year = "1990", pages = "804-809" } @article{hi1991, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Algorithm 694: {A} collection of test matrices in {MATLAB}", journal = TOMS, volume = "17", number = "3", year = "1991", pages = "289-305" } @article{hi1992, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Estimating the matrox $p$-norm", journal = NUMAT, volume = "62", year = "1992", pages = "539-555" } @article{hi1993, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Perturbation theory and backward error for {$AX-XB=C$}", journal = BIT, volume = "33", year = "1993", pages = "124-136" } @inproceedings{hi1994b, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "A survey of componentwise perturbation theory in numerical linear algebra", booktitle = "Mathematics of Computation 1943-1993: A Half-Century of Computational Mathematics", editor = "W. Gautschi", publisher = "American Mathematical Society", year = "1994", pages = "49-78" } @article{hi1994, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "The matrix sign decomposition and its relation to the polar decomposition", journal = LAA, volume = "212", year = "1994", pages = "3-20" } @techreport{hi1995, author = {N. J. Higham}, title = {The test matrix toolbox for {Matlab}}, year = {1995}, number = {Numerical Analysis 276}, institution = {Dept. of Mathematics, University of Manchester}, } @book{hi1996, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algorithms", publisher = "SIAM", address = "Philadelphia", year = "1996" } @inproceedings{hi1997, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Testing linear algebra software", booktitle = "The Quality of Numerical Software: Assessment and Enhancement", editor = "R. Boisvert", publisher = "Chapman and Hall", year = "1997", pages = "109-124" } @article{hi1997b, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Iterative refinement for linear systems and {LAPACK}", journal = IMAJNA, volume = "17", number = "4", year = "1997", pages = "495-509" } @book{hi1998, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences", publisher = "SIAM", edition = "2nd", year = "1998" } @article{hi2000, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "{QR} factorization with complete pivoting and accurate computation of the {SVD}", journal = LAA, volume = "309", year = "2000", pages = "153-174" } @book{hi2002, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algorithms", edition = "2nd", publisher = "SIAM", address = "Philadelphia", year = "2002" } @article{hi2004, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "The numerical stability of barycentric {Lagrange} interpolation", journal = IMAJNA, volume = "24", number = "4", year = "2004", pages = "547-556" } @article{hi2008, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Cayley, {Sylvester}, and early matrix theory", journal = LAA, volume = "428", year = "2008", pages = "39-43" } @book{hi2008b, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Functions of Matrices: {T}heory and Computation", publisher = "SIAM", address = "Philadelphia", year = "2008" } @article{hi2009, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Cholesky factorization", journal = "Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics", volume = "1", number = "2", year = "2009", pages = "251-254" } @article{hi2011, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Gaussian elimination", journal = "Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics", volume = "3", number = "3", year = "2011", pages = "230-238" } @techreport{hi2013, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Functions of matrices", institution = "The University of Manchester", number = "MIMS EPrint 2013.27", year = "2013" } @article{hi2014, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Sylvester's influence on applied mathematics", journal = MT, volume = "50", number = "4", year = "2014", pages = "202-206" } @techreport{hi2015, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Numerical linear algebra and matrix analysis", institution = "The University of Manchester", number = "MIMS EPrint 2015.103", year = "2015" } @techreport{hi2015b, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Programming languages: {A}n applied mathematics view", institution = "The University of Manchester", number = "MIMS EPrint 2015.89", year = "2015" } @techreport{hi2019, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Error analysis for standard and {GMRES}-based iterative refinement in two and three-precisions", institution = "The University of Manchester", number = "MIMS EPrint 2019.19", year = "2019" } @book{hi2020, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences", publisher = "SIAM", edition = "3rd", year = "2020" } @techreport{hi2021b, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "Numerical stability of algorithms at extreme scale and low precisions", institution = "The University of Manchester", number = "MIMS EPrint 2021.14", year = "2021" } @article{hi2021, author = "N. J. Higham", title = "The mathematics of floating-point arithmetic", journal = "LMS Newsletter", volume = "493", year = "2021", pages = "35-41" } @article{hiam2010b, author = "N. J. Higham and A. {Al-Mohy}", title = "Computing matrix functions", journal = ACTNUM, volume = "19", year = "2010", pages = "159-208" } @article{hiam2010, author = "N. J. Higham and A. {Al-Mohy}", title = "The complex step approximation to the {Fr{\'{e}}chet} derivative of a matrix function", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "53", number = "1", year = "2010", pages = "133-148" } @techreport{hide2016, author = "N. J. Higham and E. Deadman", title = "A catalogue of software for matrix functions. {V}ersion 2.0.", institution = "The University of Manchester", number = "MIMS EPrint: 2016.3", year = "2016" } @article{hihi1989, author = "N. J. Higham and D. J. Higham", title = "Large growth factors in {Gaussian} elimination with pivoting", journal = SIMAX, volume = "10", number = "2", year = "1989", pages = "155-164" } @article{hihi1992, author = "N. J. Higham and D. J. Higham", title = "Backward error and condition of structured linear systems", journal = SIMAX, volume = "13", number = "1", year = "1992", pages = "162-175" } @book{hihi2005, author = "N. J. Higham and D. J. Higham", title = "Matlab Guide", publisher = "SIAM", edition = "2nd", year = "2005" } @book{hihi2017, author = "N. J. Higham and D. J. Higham", title = "Matlab Guide", publisher = "SIAM", edition = "3rd", year = "2017" } @article{hhp2021, author = "N. J. Higham and D. J. Higham and S. Pranesh", title = "Random matrices generating large growth in {LU} factorization with pivoting", journal = SIMAX, volume = "42", number = "1", year = "2021", pages = "185-201" } @techreport{hiho2020, author = "N. J. Higham and E. Hopkins", title = "A catalogue of software for matrix functions. {V}ersion 3.0.", institution = "The University of Manchester", number = "MIMS EPrint: 2020.7", year = "2020" } @incollection{hili2013, author = "N. J. Higham and L. Lijing", title = "Matrix functions: {A} short course", booktitle = "Matrix Functions and Matrix Equations", editor = "Z. Bai and W. Gao and Y. Su", publisher = "Higher Education Press", year = "2013", pages = "1-27" } @article{him2019b, author = "N. J. Higham and T. Mary", title = "A new approach to probabilistic rounding error analysis", journal = SISC, volume = "41", number = "5", year = "2019", pages = "A2815-A2835" } @article{him2019, author = "N. J. Higham and T. Mary", title = "A new preconditioner that exploits low-rank approximations to factorization error", journal = SISC, volume = "41", number = "1", year = "2019", pages = "A59-A82" } @article{him2020, author = "N. J. Higham and T. Mary", title = "Sharper probabilistic backward error analysis for basic linear algebra kernels with random data", journal = SISC, volume = "42", number = "5", pages = "A3427-A3446", year = "2020" } @article{him2022, author = "N. J. Higham and T. Mary", title = "Solving block low-rank linear systems by {LU} factorization is numerically stable", journal = IMAJNA, volume = "42", number = "2", pages = "951-980", year = "2022" } @article{him2022b, author = "N. J. Higham and T. Mary", title = "Mixed precision algorithms in numerical linear algebra", journal = ACTNUM, volume = "31", year = "2022", pages = "347-414" } @article{hmt2010, author = "N. J. Higham and C. Mehl and F. Tisseur", title = "The canonical generalized polar decomposition", journal = SIMAX, volume = "31", number = "4", year = "2010", pages = "2163-2180" } @article{hino2016, author = "N. J. Higham and V. Noferini", title = "An algorithm to compute the polar decomposition of a 3x3 matrix", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "73", number = "2", pages = "349-369", year = "2016" } @inproceedings{hp1994, author = "N. J. Higham and P. Papadimitriou", title = "A new parallel algorithm for computing the singular value decomposition", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra", publisher = "SIAM", year = "1994" } @article{hp1994b, author = "N. J. Higham and P. Papadimitriou", title = "A parallel algorithm for computing the polar decomposition", journal = PARCOMP, volume = "20", number = "8", year ="1994", pages = "1161-1173" } @article{hip1994, author = "N. J. Higham and A. Pothen", title = "Stability of the partitioned inverse method for parallel solution of sparse triangular systems", journal = SISC, volume = "15", number = "1", year = "1994", pages = "139-148" } @article{hipr2019, author = "N. J. Higham and S. Pranesh", title = "Simulating low precision floating-point arithmetic", journal = SISC, volume = "41", number = "5", year ="2019", pages = "C585-C602" } @article{hipr2021, author = "N. J. Higham and S. Pranesh", title = "Exploiting lower precision arithmetic in solving symmetric positive definite linear systems and least squares problems", journal = SISC, volume = "43", number = "1", year ="2021", pages = "A258-A277" } @article{hpz2019, author = "N. J. Higham and S. Pranesh and M. Zounon", title = "Squeezing a matrix into half precision, with an application to solving linear systems", journal = SISC, volume = "41", number = "4", year ="2019", pages = "A2536-A2551" } @article{hir2014, author = "N. J. Higham and S. Relton", title = "Estimating the condition number of the {Fr{\'{e}}chet} derivative of a matrix function", journal = SISC, volume = "36", number = "6", year = "2014", pages = "C617-C634" } @article{hir2016, author = "N. J. Higham and S. Relton", title = "Estimating the largest elements of a matrix", journal = SISC, volume = "38", number = "5", year = "2016", pages = "C584-C601" } @article{hs1990, author = "N. J. Higham and R. S. Schreiber", title = "Fast polar decomposition of an arbitrary matrix", journal = SISSC, volume = "11", number = "4", year = "1990", pages = "648-655" } @techreport{hshe2022, author = "N. J. Higham and D. Sherwood", title = "Hamilton's discovery of the quaternions and creativity in mathematics", institution = "University of Manchester", number = "MIMS EPrint: 2022.9", year = "2022" } @article{hstr2016, author = "N. J. Higham and N. Strabi{\'{c}}", title = "Anderson acceleration of the alternating projections method for computing the nearest correlation matrix", journal = NUMALGO, volume = "72", number = "4", year = "2016", pages = "1021-1042" } @article{htvd2002, author = "N. J. Higham and F. Tisseur and P. {Van Dooren}", title = "Detecting a definite {Hermitian} pair and a hyperbolic or elliptic quadratic eigenvalue problem, and associated nearness problems", journal = LAA, volume = "351", year = "2002", pages = "455-474" } @misc{hbt1904, author = "D. Hilbert", title = "Grundz{\"{u}}ge einer allgemeinen theorie der linearen integralgleichungen", howpublished = "Nachrichten von d. K{\"{o}}nigl. Ges. d. Wissensch. zu G{\"{o}}ttingen", year = "1904", pages = "49-91" } @book{hld1974, author = "F. B. Hildebrand", title = "Introduction to Numerical Analysis", publisher = "McGraw-Hill Book Company", edition = "2nd", year = "1974", note = "First edition 1956" } @article{hp1992, author = "R. O. {Hill Jr.} and B. N. Parlett", title = "Refined interlacing properties", journal = SIMAX, volume = "13", number = "1", year = "1992", pages = "239-247" } @book{hil1986, author = "W. D. Hillis", title = "The {Connnection} {Machine}", publisher = "MIT Press", year= "1986" } @article{hit1913, author = "H. Hilton", title = "Some properties of symmetric and orthogonal substitutions", journal = PLMS, volume = "2", number = "1", year = "1913", pages = "94-99" } @article{hca2005, author = "J. B. Hiriart-Urruty and H. Caussinus", title = "Sarrus, {Borel}, {Deltheil}, le {R}ouergue et ses math{\'{e}}maticiens", journal = "Gazette de la SMF", volume = "104", year = "2005", pages = "89-97" } @article{huse2010, author = "J. B. Hiriart-Urruty and A. Seeger", title = "A variational approach to copositive matrices", journal = SIREV, volume = "52", number = "4", year = "2010", pages = "593-629" } @article{hito2002, author = "J. B. Hiriart-Urruty and M. Torki", title = "Permanently going back and forth between the ``quadratic world'' and the ``convexity world'' in optimization", journal = "Appl. Math. Optim.", volume = "45", year = "2002", pages = "169-184" } @article{hir1902, author = "A. Hirsch", title = "Sur les racines d'une {\'{e}}quation fondamentale: extrait d'une lettre de {M. A. Hirsch {\`a} M. I. Bendixson}", journal = ACTM, volume = "25", year = "1902", pages = "367-370" } @article{hit1922, author = "F .L. 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