Gérard Meurant
Some talks (old and recent)
Iterative methods for multiprocessor vector computers. EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland (1988). [download]
Domain decomposition for time dependent problems. Domain decomposition meeting, Houston, USA (1989). [download]
Numerical experiments with a domain decomposition method for parabolic problems
on parallel computers. Domain decomposition meeting, Moscow, USSR (1990). [download]
An introduction to domain decomposition methods. Course given at the Domain decomposition meeting, Lyon, France (2000). [download]
Parallel preconditioners. Course given at TU-Hamburg, Germany (2001). [download]
Combining multilevel preconditioners with domain decomposition. Computational Linear Algebra with Applications, Milovy, Czech Republic (2002). [download]
Iterative methods for solving large sparse linear systems. X Escuela de otono Hispano-Francesa sobre simulacion numerica en fisica e ingenieria, Jaca, Spain (2002). [download] [download]
Norms of the error for the conjugate gradient. Saint Girons meeting organized by CERFACS, Saint Girons, France (2003). [download]
An introduction to domain decomposition methods. Course given at the university of Marrakech, Marrakech, Morocco (2003). [download]
Multigrid methods. Course given at the university of Marrakech, Marrakech, Morocco (2003). [download]
Review of preconditioners for Krylov methods. 7th African Conference on Research in Computer Science CARI2004, Hammamet, Tunisia (2004). [download]
Some issues in large scale computing. International Conference on Control, Partial Differential Equations and Scientific Computing, dedicated to late Professor J.-L. Lions, Beijing, China (2004). [download]
Solution of linear systems. 9ème Ecole de Printemps de Mécanique des Fluides Numérique, Roscoff, France (2005). [download]
Multilevel preconditioners for solving systems of partial differential equations.
RAL-Bath NA Day, University of Bath, Bath, UK (2006). [download]
Estimates of norms of errors in PCG.
Approximation and Iterative Methods, conference on the occasion of the retirement of C. Brezinski, Lille, France (2006). [download]
Estimates of norms of the error in the preconditioned conjugate gradient.
GAMM–SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Dusseldorf, Germany, (2006). [download]
Détermination du paramètre de régularisation pour la résolution de problèmes mal posés.
Université du Littoral Cote d'Opale, Calais, France, (2007). [download]
Linear algebra and parallel computing at CERFACS.
CERFACS 20th anniversary meeting, Toulouse, France (2007). [download]
Updating and downdating algorithms for polynomial least squares fitting.
Matrix Analysis and Applications, CIRM, Luminy, France, (2007). [download]
Approximation polynomiale par moindres carrés.
Premier Congrès de la Société Marocaine de Mathématiques Appliquées, Rabat, Morocco (2008). [download]
Matrices, moments and quadrature with applications.
Gene Golub Day in Oxford, 29th of February 2008, Oxford, UK, (2008). [download]
Expressions for the conjugate gradient error norms.
Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic, (2008). [download]
Expressions for the conjugate gradient error norms.
Householder Symposium XVII, Zeuthen, Germany, (2008). [download]
Computing the trace of the inverse of sparse matrices using modified moments.
Sparse Days, CERFACS, Toulouse, France (2008). [download]
Matrices, moments and quadrature.
Second Dolomites workshop on constructive approximation and applications, Alba di Canazei, Italy (2009). [download]
Estimates of the norm of the error in FOM and GMRES.
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (2009). [download]
Course on Matrices, moments and quadrature.
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (2010). [download]
Solving discrete ill-posed problems with Tikhonov regularization and generalized cross validation.
Plzen University, Czech Republic (2010). [download]
Estimation de la norme de l'erreur dans les méthodes de Krylov.
in French, Paris VI University, France (2011). [download]
GMRES complete and partial stagnation. 10th IMACS International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific Computing, Marrakech, Morocco (2011). [download]
The computation of isotropic vectors. SC2011 International Conference on Scientific Computing, St Margherita di Pula, Sardinia, Italy (2011). [download]
Spectral information and GMRES convergence. Sparse Days 2012, CERFACS Toulouse, France (2012). [download]
GMRES convergence for non-normal matrices. Sparse Days 2013, CERFACS Toulouse, France (2013). [download]
The localization of Arnoldi Ritz values for real normal matrices. NASCA 2013, Calais, France (2013). [download]
On the convergence of Q-OR and QOR Krylov methods for solving linear systems. MORE workshop, Implicitly constituted materials: Modeling, analysis, and computing, Liblice, Czech Republic, (2013). [download]
On the convergence of Q-OR and QOR Krylov methods for solving linear systems. Seminar University of Bologna, Italy, (2014). [download]
On the convergence of Q-OR and QOR Krylov methods for solving linear systems. Invited lecture, Householder meeting XIX, Spa, Belgium, (2014). [download]
The computation of sets of points with a small Lebesgue constant using bivariate orthogonal polynomials. MORE workshop, Liblice, Czech Republic, (2014). [download]
On the convergence of Q-OR and QOR Krylov methods for solving linear systems. Invited lecture, Fifth international conference on numerical algebra and scientific computing (NASC 2014) , Shanghai, China, (2014). [download]
An optimal Q-OR Krylov method for solving linear systems. Seminar, Université du Littoral, Calais, (2015). [download]
On the convergence of the Arnoldi process for computing eigenvalues. Saint Girons III meeting organized by CERFACS, Saint Girons, France (2015). [download]
The construction of bases for Krylov subspaces. Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic, (2016). [download]
Newton bases for GMRES and Q-MR. Algoritmy 2016 conference, Podbanske, Slovakia (2016). [download]
An optimal Q-OR Krylov method for solving linear systems. Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (2016). [download]
The distance of an eigenvector to a Krylov subspace and the convergence of the Arnoldi method for eigenvalue problems. In memory of M. Belllalij, Universite de Valenciennes, France (2016). [download]
An optimal Q-OR Krylov subspace method for solving linear systems. NL2A, Marseille, France (2016). [download]
An optimal Q-OR Krylov subspace method for solving linear systems. Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (2017). [download]
SGMRES and RB-SGMRES revisited. MTU60, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (2019). [download]
On prescribing CG convergence. M2A19, Rabat, Morocco (2019). [download]
Detection and correction of silent errors in the conjugate gradienr algorithm. CIRM Luminy (2021). [download] [Video]
A review of quadrature-basedbounds of the error in CG. INRIA Paris (2022). [download]
On prescribing CG convergence. Householder Symposium XXI, Selva di Fasano, Italy (2022). [download]
Inverses of tridiagonal matrices, CAM23, Selva di Fasano, Italy (2023). [download]
A review of quadrature-based error bounds in the conjugate gradient algorithm, SIAM Conference on Linear Algebra, Paris (2024). [download]
A note on the Grcar matrix, CIRM Luminy (2024). [download]