Gérard Meurant
Old preprints
Convergence of the Lanczos algorithm in presence of close eigenvalues: A numerical study. (2010). [download]
A parallel Lanczos method for solving symmetric positive definite linear systems. (2010). [download]
Prescribing the error in GMRES. (2011). [download]
Papers in Journals
Utilisation de la méthode du gradient conjugué sur
calculateurs vectoriels; comparaisons Cray 1-S, CDC Cyber 205. Bulletin
de l'INRIA, n 94, (1984), pp 31-34.
The block preconditioned conjugate gradient
method on vector computers. BIT, v 24, (1984), pp 623-633.
The conjugate gradient method on
supercomputers. Supercomputer, v 13, (1986), pp 9-17.
Multitasking the conjugate gradient method
on the CRAY X-MP/48. Parallel Computing, v 5, (1987), pp 267-280.
Domain decomposition preconditioners for the conjugate
gradient method. Calcolo, v 25 n 1-2, (1988) pp 103-119.
Practical use of the conjugate gradient method on parallel
supercomputers. Computer Physics Com., v 53, (1989), pp 467-477.
Domain decomposition methods for partial differential
equations on parallel computers. Int. J. of Supercomputer Appl., v 2 n 4,
(1989), pp 5-12.
Iterative methods for multiprocessor vector computers.
Computer Physics Reports, v 11, (1989), pp 51-80.
A domain decomposition method for parabolic problems.
Applied Numerical Mathematics, v 8, (1991), pp 427-441.
A review on the inverse of tridiagonal and block
tridiagonal symmetric matrices. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., v 13 n 3, (1992), pp 707-728.
Os computadores paralelos e o futuro da computaçao
cientifica. Boletim da SBMAC (Sociedade Brasileira de Matematica
Aplicada e computational), v 3 n 1, (1992), pp 36-52. [download]
The computation of bounds for the norm of the error in the
conjugate gradient algorithm. Numerical Algorithms, v 16 n 1, (1998), pp
77-87. [download]
Numerical experiments in computing bounds for the norm of
the error in the preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm. Numerical Algorithms, v 22, (1999), pp 353-365. [download]
Gaussian elimination for the solution of linear systems of
equations. Handbook of Numerical Analysis, P.G. Ciarlet
and J-L. Lions Eds, vol VII, North-Holland, (2000), pp 3-170. [download]
On the incomplete Cholesky decomposition of a
class of perturbed matrices. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., v 23
no 2, (2001), pp 419-429. [download]
Numerical experiments with algebraic multilevel
preconditioners. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis,
v 12, (2001), pp 1-65. [download]
A multilevel AINV preconditioner. Numerical
Algorithms, v 29 n 1-3, (2002), pp 107-129. [download]
Estimates of the l2 norm of the error in the conjugate gradient
algorithm. Numerical Algorithms, v 40 n 2, (2005), pp 157-169. [download]
Gene H. Golub 1932--2007. Numerical Algorithms, v 51 n 1, (2009), pp 1-4. [download]
Estimates of the trace of the inverse of a symmetric matrix using the modified Chebyshev algorithm.
Numerical Algorithms, v 51 n 3, (2009), pp 309--318. [download]
On the residual norm in FOM and GMRES. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., v 32 n 2, (2011), pp 394-411. [download]
Estimates of the norm of the error in solving linear systems with FOM and GMRES. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., v 33, (2011), pp 2686-2705. [download]
The computation of isotropic vectors. Numerical Algorithms, v 60 n 2, (2012), pp 193-204. [download]
The complete stagnation of GMRES for n<4. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, v 39, (2012), pp 75-101. [download]
GMRES and the Arioli, Ptak and Strakos parametrization. BIT Numerical Algorithms, v 52 n 3, (2012), pp 687-702. [download]
Necessary and sufficient conditions for GMRES complete and partial stagnation. Applied Numerical Mathematics, v 75, (2014), pp 100-107. [download]
On the location of the Ritz values in the Arnoldi process, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, v 43 (2015), pp 188-212. [download]
An optimal Q-OR Krylov subspace method for solving linear systems. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, v 47 (2017), pp 127-152. [download]
The coefficients of the FOM and GMRES residual polynomials. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., v 38 n 1 (2017), pp 96-117. [download]
On prescribing the convergence behavior of the conjugate gradient algorithm. Numerical Algorithms, v 84 n 4 (2020), pp 1353-1380. [download]
Detection and correction of silent errors in the conjugate gradient algorithm. Numerical Algorithms, v 92 n 1 (2023), pp 869-891. [download]
Papers in Journals with collaborators
G. MEURANT & J.C. SAUT, Bifurcation and stability in
chemical systems. J. Math. Anal. & Appl. v 59 n 1, (1977), pp 69-92.
P. CONCUS, G.H. GOLUB & G. MEURANT, Block preconditioning for the
conjugate gradient method. SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput., v 6, (1985), pp
220-252. [download]
P. CONCUS & G. MEURANT, On computing INV block preconditionings for
the conjugate gradient method. BIT, v 26, (1986), pp 493-504.
Y. CHAUVET & G. MEURANT, Multitasking on the CRAY X-MP 2. In
Proceedings of International workshop on modeling and performance
evaluation of parallel systems, IMAG Grenoble (1984), published in the
Journal of Systems and Software, v 6 n 1 & 2, (1986), pp 17-20.
I.S. DUFF & G. MEURANT, The effect of ordering on preconditioned
conjugate gradients. BIT, v 29, (1989), pp 635-657. [download]
P. JOLY & G. MEURANT, Complex conjugate gradient methods. Numerical
Algorithms, v 4, (1992), pp 379-406. [download]
G. MEURANT & O. PIRONNEAU, Trends in architectures for large-scale
scientific computing. Eccomas Newsletter, v 2 n 1, (1994), pp 3-5. [download]
G.H. GOLUB & G. MEURANT, Matrices, moments and quadrature II: how to
compute the norm of the error in iterative methods. BIT, v 37 n3, (1997),
pp 687-705. [download]
L.M. CARVALHO, L. GIRAUD & G. MEURANT, Local preconditioners for two-level non-overlapping domain decomposition methods. Numerical
Linear Algebra with Applications, v 8 n 4, (2001), pp 207-227. [download]
G. MEURANT & Z. STRAKOS, The Lanczos and conjugate gradient algorithms in finite precision arithmetic. Acta Numerica, v 15, Cambridge
University Press, (2006), pp 471-542. [download]
R. BOUYOULI, G. MEURANT, L. SMOCH & H. SADOK, New results on the convergence of the conjugate gradient method. Numerical Linear Algebra
with Applications, v 16 n 3, (2008), pp 223-236. [download]
G. MEURANT & P. TICHY, On computing quadrature-based bounds for the A-norm of the error in conjugate gradients. Numerical Algorithms, v 62 n 2, (2012), pp 163-191. [download]
J. DUINTJER TEBBENS & G. MEURANT, Any Ritz value behavior is possible for Arnoldi and for GMRES. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., v 33 n 3, (2012), pp 958-978. [download]
J. DUINTJER TEBBENS & G. MEURANT, Prescribing the behavior of early terminating GMRES and Arnoldi iterations. Numerical Algorithms, v 65 n 1, (2014), pp 69-90. [download]
J. DUINTJER TEBBENS, G. MEURANT, H. SADOK & Z. STRAKOS, On investigating GMRES convergence using unitary matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications, v 450 (2014), pp 83-107. [download]
G. MEURANT & A. SOMMARIVA, Fast variants of the Golub and Welsch algorithm for symmetric weight functions in Matlab, Numerical Algorithms, v 67 n 3 (2014), pp 491-506. [download]
G. MEURANT & P. TICHY, Erratum to: On computing quadrature-based bounds for the A-norm of the error in conjugate gradients. Numerical Algorithms, v 66 n 3 (2014), pp 679-680.
G. MEURANT & J. DUINTJER TEBBENS, The role eigenvalues play in forming GMRES residual norms with non-normal matrices. Numerical Algorithm,s v 68 n 1 (2015), pp 143-165. [download]
J. DUINTJER TEBBENS & G. MEURANT, On the convergence of Q-OR and Q-MR Krylov methods for solving nonsymmetric linear systems. BIT Numerical Mathematics, v 56 n 1 (2016), pp 77-97. [download]
M. BELLALIJ, G. MEURANT & H. SADOK, The distance of an eigenvector to a Krylov subspace and the convergence of the Arnoldi method for eigenvalue problems. Linear Algebra and its Applications, v 504 (2016), pp 387-405. [download]
K. DU, J. DUINTJER TEBBENS & G. MEURANT, Any admissible harmonic Ritz value set is possible for GMRES. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, v 47 (2017), pp 37-56. [download]
G. MEURANT & P. TICHY, Approximating the extreme Ritz values and upper bounds for the A-norm of the error in CG. Numerical Algorithms, v 82 n 3 (2019), pp.. 937-968. [download]
G. MEURANT & A. SOMMARIVA, On the computation of sets of points with low Lebesgue constant on the unit disk. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, v 345 (2019), pp 388-404. [download]
J. DUINTJER TEBBENS & G. MEURANT, On the residual norms, the Ritz values and the harmonic Ritz values that can be generated by restarted GMRES. Numerical Algorithms, v 84 n 4 (2020), pp. 1329-1352. [download]
G. MEURANT, J. PAPEZ & P. TICHY, Accurate error estimation in CG. Numerical Algorithms, v 88 n 3 (2021), pp.. 1337-1359. [download]
G. MEURANT & P. TICHY, The behaviour of the Gauss-Radau upper bound of the error norm in CG. Numerical Algorithms, v 94 n 2 (2023), pp. 847-876. [download]
T. CHEN & G. MEURANT, Near-optimal convergence of the full orthogonalization method. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, v 60 (2024), pp. 421-427. [download]
H. ALMUTAIRI, G. MEURANT, L. REICHEL & M. M. SPALEVIC, New error estimates for the conjugate gradient method. J. Comput. Appl. Math., v 459 (2025), Art 116357. [download]
Papers in Proceedings
G. MEURANT, B. SCHEURER & F. TERNAY, Méthodes d'éléments
finis mixtes pour la résolution des équations de la diffusion
en transfert radiatif. Colloque international sur les
développements nouveaux dans les méthodes numériques de
l'ingénieur, Versailles, May 23-27, (1977).
M. BONNET & G. MEURANT, Comparaison de différentes méthodes
itératives de résolution des systèmes linéaires et non
linéaires. in "Méthodes numériques dans les sciences de
l'ingénieur", E. Absi & R. Glowinski Eds, (1979) pp 575-584,
Dunod, Paris.
G. MEURANT, Vector preconditioning for the conjugate gradient method
on Cray 1 and CDC Cyber 205. In "Computing methods in applied sciences
and engineering VI" R. Glowinski & J.L. Lions Eds North-Holland
(1984) pp 255-274.
& B. SITT, Topics in the numerical simulation of high temperature flows.
In "Proceedings of the 9th international conference on numerical
methods in fluid dynamics", Soubbarameyer & J.P. Boujot Eds, Lecture
Notes in Physics n 218, Springer Verlag (1985) pp 10-22.
B. MERCIER, G. MEURANT & J. TASSART, Energy conservation in radiation
hydrodynamics, application to the Monte Carlo method used for photon
transport in the fluid frame. In "Monte Carlo methods and applications
in neutronics, photonics and statistical physics", R. Alcouffe, R.
Dautray, A. Forster, G. Ledanois & B. Mercier Eds, Lecture Notes in
Physics n 240, Springer Verlag (1985) pp 116-125.
G. MEURANT, Incomplete domain decomposition preconditioners for the
conjugate gradient method. In "Proceedings of the third SIAM conference
on parallel processing for scientific computing", Los Angeles 1987,
SIAM (1988).
G. MEURANT, Domain decomposition vs block preconditioning. In
"Proceedings of the first international symposium on domain
decomposition methods for partial differential equations",R. Glowinski,
G.H. Golub, G. Meurant & J. Periaux Eds., SIAM (1988).
G. MEURANT, Using the CEA benchmark on supercomputers. In "Evaluating
supercomputers" A. van der Steen Ed., Unicom, London (1988) .
G. MEURANT, Domain decomposition preconditioners for non symmetric
problems. In "Proceedings of the second international symposium on
decomposition methods for partial differential equations", T. Chan, R. Glowinski,
J. Periaux & O. Widlund Eds, SIAM (1989).
G. MEURANT, Domain decomposition for partial differential equations on
parallel computers. In "Vector and parallel computing" J. Dongarra, I.
Duff, P. Gaffney & S. McKee Eds, Ellis Horwood (1989).
G. MEURANT, The conjugate gradient method on vector and parallel
supercomputers. In "Computational techniques and applications", W.L.
Hogarth & B.J. Noye Eds, Hemisphere Publishing Corp. (1990).
G. MEURANT, Numerical experiments with a domain decomposition method
for parabolic equations on parallel computers. In "Proceedings of the
fourth international symposium on domain decomposition methods for
partial differential equations",R. Glowinski, G. Meurant, J. Periaux &
O. Widlund Eds., SIAM (1991).
G. MEURANT, Parallel algorithms for supercomputers. In "Numerical
linear algebra, digital signal processing and parallel algorithms", G.
Golub & P. van Dooren Eds. Springer Verlag (1990).
G. MEURANT, Domain decomposition methods for solving large sparse
linear systems. In "Computer algorithms for solving linear algebraic
equations, the state of the art", Proceedings of the NATO Advanced
Study Institute on linear systems, Castelvecchio Pascoli (Italy), E.
Spedicato Ed., NATO ASI Series v 77, Springer Verlag (1991).
G.H. GOLUB & G. MEURANT, Matrices, moments and quadrature. In
"Numerical analysis 1993", D.F. Griffiths and G.A. Watson Eds.,
Longman Scientific & Technical, Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics
Series, v 303 (1994). Reprinted in "Milestones in matrix computations,
the selected works of Gene H. Golub with commentaries"
R.H. Chan, C. Greif & D.P. O'Leary Eds, Oxford University Press (2007). [download]
P. CIARLET Jr. & G. MEURANT, A class of domain decomposition
preconditioners for massively parallel computers. Comtemporary
Mathematics v 152, AMS (1994).
G. MEURANT, M. PATRON, T. PORCHER & F. ROBIN, Early experiments with
the CRAY T3D at CEA. In "Proceedings of the 6th joint EPS-APS
international conference on Physics Computing", R. Gruber & M.
Tomassini Eds., APS (1994).
L. CROUZET & G. MEURANT, Solving the 3D time harmonic Maxwell equations
with finite elements, Lagrange multipliers and iterative methods. In
Proceedings of the meeting "50 years of the Courant element",
Jyvaskyla, Finland (1994), Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., 164, Dekker, (1994). [download]
G. MEURANT, H. JOURDREN & B. MELTZ, Large scale CFD computations at
Invited lecture at PARCFD 2001, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, In "Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics- Practice and Theory", P. Wilders, A. Ecer, J. Periaux, N. Satofuka, (Eds.), Elsevier (2002). [download]
G. MEURANT, Parallel algebraic multilevel preconditioners.
In Proceedings of the meeting in honor of the 60th birthday of
Jacques Périaux, Jyvaskyla, Finland, June 2002, "Numerical Methods For Scientific Computing,
Variational Problems and Applications" Y. Kuznetsov, P. Neittanmaki & O. Pironneau Eds.
CIMNE, Barcelona (2003). [download]
G. MEURANT & G.H. GOLUB, Résolution numérique des grands
systèmes linéaires. Eyrolles, Paris (1983), in french.
R. GLOWINSKI, G.H. GOLUB, G. MEURANT & J. PERIAUX Eds., Proceedings of
the first international symposium on domain decomposition methods for
partial differential equations. SIAM (1988).
Proceedings of the fourth international symposium on domain
decomposition methods for partial differential equations. SIAM (1991).
of the fifth international symposium on domain decomposition methods for
partial differential equations. SIAM (1992).
G. MEURANT, Computer solution of large linear systems.
North-Holland (1999).
G. MEURANT, The Lanczos and conjugate gradient algorithms, from theory to finite precision computations. SIAM (2006).
G.H. GOLUB & G. MEURANT, Matrices, moments and quadrature with applications. Princeton University Press (2010).
G. MEURANT & J. DUINTJER TEBBENS, Krylov methods for nonsymmetric linear systems, Springer (2020).
C. BREZINSKI, G. MEURANT & M. REDIVO-ZAGLIA, A journey through the history of numerical linear algebra, SIAM (2022)
G. MEURANT & P. TICHY, Error norm estimation in the conjugate gradient algorithm, SIAM (2024)